Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Doctors without Borders bombards digitally a hospital – Merca2.0

The actions that are meant to generate changes on the part of the society, have led in many cases to generate strategies BTL as an opportunity to create experiences on the market segment to which it is addressed.

Example of the above gave Doctors without Borders, an organization that resorted to a screening of 3D Mapping on the facade of the building of a hospital, to show the drama that lives when a building of this type is bombed.

"Recently, in conflicts such as Yemen, Syria or Afghanistan we are seeing that they (the hospitals) are becoming targets, do you imagine this to happen in the city where you live where is located your hospital?", points to one of the organizers of the experience.

This type of measures that seek to raise awareness from show scenes sentimental, recently took the Proactive organization Open Arms to collaborate with the technical director of Manchester City, Pep Guardiola, in a campaign where you climb aboard a boat to remind us of the crisis of refugees who are living in Europe.

The social marketing and has become a strategy that generates contents with which it seeks to build consumer awareness from campaigns which appeal to the emotions of these hearings.

it is Also about strategies that seek to generate a civic culture, where they promote values and actions in favour of segments of the population disadvantaged, on those who back campaigns that show its reality and the impact it has to perform positive actions in favor of them.


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