Friday, December 23, 2016

The PSOE and the lobby LGBT take advantage of the penalty to attack David Pérez – Infovaticana


get the first reactions to the penalty imposed by the Community of Madrid at the catholic college John Paul II. Both the PSOE as the association Arcópoli have taken advantage of the fine promoted by the Administration Cifuentes to attack the mayor of Alcorcón, David Pérez.

"it Is regrettable that Alcorcón is configured as the first municipality in which it has applied the law against the LGTBifobia," said the municipal spokesperson, socialist, Natalia de Andrés.

The spokesman has expressed satisfaction for the fact that it has fined 1,000 euros -although it seems to be a figure somewhat disappointing figure given the severity of the manifestations – to the director of this centre -a school subsidised with public funds, let’s not forget – because the administrations have to ensure to protect the rights of citizens in relation to the messages that exalt and incite homophobia and islamophobia and eliminating any type of collaboration with public entities that promote them". In addition to branded as ridiculous the fine, imposed for exercising the right to freedom of expression, the socialists take the opportunity to ask for the resignation of the alderman.

Andrew has asked the mayor that, in coherence with the actions taken by the Government of Cifuentes, the companion of his party, made a resounding condemnation of the statements made by this director because, as has been shown by the regional administration with their sanction, contrary to the current regulations in defence of the rights of diversity and equality".

in Addition, has asked the city Council to stop collaborating with the centre and has urged the Community of Madrid to review the concerts.

The lobby LGBT calls for obligating the director to apologize

The association Arcópoli has shown its satisfaction for the penalty and has accused the director of the catholic school of 'indoctrinating in hatred of LGBT people'.

Arcópoli required in addition to the Community of Madrid imposed on the director the duty to apologize, 'to get the students to the conclusion that what they did is illegal'. Despite the fact that there is no resolution on the illegality of the words of the director, the collective already condemns him.

on the other hand, the madrid association will write to the catholic school for volunteering to give lectures about sexual and gender diversity in the center.

'we Want to finally show our disappointment again with the mayor of Alcorcón, David Pérez, who avoided censure the unlawful conduct of the director of the school. Let’s hope that it is positioned now in favour of equality and against hatred. Unfortunately, if it returns to position against equality, we urge the opposition parties to take the necessary measures to avoid that the city Council continue to block any action for the equality of LGBT', concludes the statement of the association, which also points to demand the resignation of David Perez.


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