Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Easter: Options to enjoy the long weekend – The Radio

Those who choose the Province for this long weekend, can enjoy various activities taking place across the length and breadth of the Cordovan territory. City by city, a review of the proposals. Miramar Ansenuza: 2 to 5 April. The “Easter at Sea”, comprising a program with art exhibitions, special hours in the museum area and the performance of various ensembles, including a Gospel Choir, as reported event is proposed. April 3. Since the 21 will be the Representation of the Cross Parish Santa Teresita. April 4. At 2130 the exclusive presentation of the Gospel Choir “Kumbaya” is given, with special adaptation in their repertoire . PROPOSALS IN ALL THE PROVINCE …

Cordoba Capital

1 to 12 in April. begins the 33rd edition of the International Fair of Crafts in the Exhibition Complex. General admission to the event will cost 55 pesos.

April 1. Sacred Music in the churches of Córdoba.

3 April. Via Crucis through the streets of the city.

Villa Allende

March 21 to April 4. Open Golf Center of the Republic Amateur.

Villa General Belgrano

2 to 5 April. will be held the National Day of the Viennese Mass in the Ballroom of the town, where you can taste Central European delicacies and enjoy artistic shows with music and dances of the world. .. The Way of the Cross and Passion show South Easter Andaluza,

2 and April 3 allegorical paintings to Easter will be presented. p>

April 5. the traditional Easter Egg search for children will be held, starting from the Ballroom to the Plaza Enrique Dick (opposite the bus station).

Santa Rosa de Calamuchita

2 to 5 April. Easter Delights.

Villa Rumipal

April 5. Easter Criolla.

Los Reartes

2 to 5 April. Easter Concert.

Mina Clavero

April 3. “Patterns Bible” is presented in the town of traslasierra from 21, Municipal Amphitheatre. This is the representation of Jesus’ life, from birth to death on the cross and resurrection. General admission:.. 10 pesos

2 to 4 April The Municipal Craft Fair will be held at the Promenade des Artisans of Mina Clavero, and reward the most original piece with the public vote.


2 to 5 April. Crafts Fair and regional products Nono. In addition, you can attend the concert of sacred music and guided walk in Nono.

Villa Carlos Paz

The plays that made season during the holidays , return to the mountain town to provide all the humor of his shows.


2 to 5 April . The event called “The world comes to Cosquín”, which brings together 18 communities, and is organized by the Tourism and Sports City will be held. It will be held on the premises of Congress and Convention Center located opposite the Plaza San Martín, and there will be exquisite cuisine to taste and musical performances. Admission is 20 pesos.


2 to 5 April. Arts Week.

La Falda

2 to 5 April. Ascent of Cerro La Banderita for the Via Crucis. Furthermore Craft Fair will be open in La Falda.

Capilla del Monte

April 3. Living Way of the Cross.

Bialet Massé

2 to 5 April. Passover Feast.

Costs Blanca

April 4. Round and rituals in tone music and game.


April 1 . From the 20th there will be a Via Crucis Living.

April 2. will start the exhibition of photographs called “El Camino Real North of Córdoba”, from the 19, at the Center Interpretation of the Old Camino Real.

April 3 . At 19 shall be construed traditional Misa Criolla, starring the artist Suna Rocha in the Diocesan Marian Shrine. At 21, while the Via Crucis will take place with the historical articulated Christ and the Blessed Virgin Dolorosa, from Old Chapel to Christ Memorial Grenadiers.

April 4. From the 19 scheduled Fabricio Rodriguez’s performance.

2 to 5 April . Craft Fair in the North Gallery Diocesan Marian Shrine.


April 3. living representation of the Cross walking with torches to the hill of the Cross.

April 4. National Meeting of Craftsmen in Plaza San Martin, from 10.

San José of the Sleeping

April 3. living representation of the Cross.

April 4 . Guided tours of the newly renovated Sanavirón Museum.

Dean Funes

April 3. Via Crucis Living.

San Marcos Sierras

3 and April 4. the 4th edition of the Monte Tango, with free workshops or cap is made. It was further developed in the night walk with torches to Cerro de la Cruz, Craft Fair and different activities both in the town square as in private premises.

April 4. From the 18 will start in the Plaza Cacique Tulián a musical in which they operate Riqui Collado and Daniel Hector Typical Orchestra The vidu, Rufo Cruz Super Plus, Karina Beorlegui Officer and Los Primos Gabino and GpilattiDub. The closure of the evening will be provided by Frida Sanmarcos.

Alta Gracia

3 to 5 in April. be developed Gastronomic Festival Peperina, a food festival will bring together all the expressions of the mountain cuisine at the site of the sports center of Alta Gracia.

2 to 5 April. cultural and religious activities in Jesuit Ranches, World Heritage Site.

3 and April 4. will develop the “I lived Easter in Alta Gracia” in the House of Culture, from 15:30 until 21, with free admission.

Miramar Ansenuza

2 to 5 April. the “Easter at Sea”, comprising a program with art exhibitions, special hours in the museum area and the performance of various ensembles, including a Gospel Choir event is proposed as reported.

April 3. From the 21 Representation of the Cross will be in Santa Teresita Parish.

April 4. At 2130 the exclusive presentation of Coro Gospel “Kumbaya” is given, with special adaptation in their repertoire.


1 to 5 in April. continue the program of liturgical activities which started on 29. On Holy Thursday Mass will be at 18 in the parish and exposition of the Blessed Sacrament until zero hour. On Good Friday, while the main celebrations are planned when 17 and the traditional Via Crucis del Cerro, in which the community participates with their torches.


Photography Official Gazette, publish today … – euronews

Reuters, 31/03 12:52 CET

 Photo of the Official Gazette, today issued the call for the municipal elections of May 24, 2015. EFE / File Photograph of the Official Gazette, which today issued the call for the municipal elections of May 24, 2015. EFE / File

Madrid, Mar 31 ( EFE ) .- A total of 36,016 031 electors may vote in the regional and municipal elections of May 24, in which, for the first time, residents abroad may apply to vote by internet.

The National Institute of Statistics ( INE ) today released data from the electoral roll, showing that the municipal elections are entitled to vote 34,521,871 463,628 Spaniards and foreigners resident in Spain.

In particular, they can vote in local elections nationals of EU countries and those with which Spain has reciprocal agreements on participation in municipal elections: Norway, Ecuador, New Zealand, Colombia, Chile, Peru, Paraguay Iceland, Bolivia and Cape Verde, countries that have joined 2015 Korea and Trinidad and Tobago.

A total of 39 countries, of which, again, is Romanian collective more numerous, with 111,646 voters, followed by the UK with 104,470 and great distance, by the Italian, with 45,649, and German, with 45,460.

The electoral law allows these citizens to vote in elections municipal, but not in the regional, which, by contrast, are entitled to vote Spaniards living abroad, which in turn can not participate in local elections.

In the regional elections -all are held in thirteen communities less Andalusia, Catalonia, Galicia and the Basque Country are invited citizens 19,840,597, of which 18,929,552 911,045 reside in Spain and abroad.

More than a quarter of voters living abroad will vote for the Community of Madrid, with 241,747; 139 888 will do for the Castilla y León; 133,594 will do so in the Canary elections and 106,541 in Asturian.

The emigrants must request a vote from today until April 25, for which they receive an official form of the Electoral Census Office. For the first time, may apply online provided they have an electronic certificate or use the envy in the official printed key.

To choose the representatives of the assemblies of Ceuta and Melilla shall vote 119,487 voters , of which 112,701 live in Spain, 6,649 in other countries and 137 are foreign nationals.

The electoral roll will be available from Monday April 6th to the 13th of that month in municipalities and in the provincial delegations of the Electoral Census Office. Around the same time, Spanish voters abroad may check their registration data in these same dates in the respective consulates.

The complaint may be submitted within the same period in municipalities, consulates and provincial delegations Census Bureau.

As of April 27, this body will send each voter a card which will indicate the table and the college where to vote.

The following tables collect the number of voters called for regional elections in each autonomous community, by provinces, the number of Spanish and foreign residents in Spain who may vote in municipal elections:

Autonomous Elections

CCAA Residents in Spain Residents abroad

====================== ==========================================

Aragon 30,898 989 004

Asturias 881 497 106 541

Balearic 744,947 21,443

Canary 1,528,901 133,594

Cantabria 33 685 465 999

Castile and Leon 2011902 139 888

Castilla La Mancha 1,549,147 26,596

C. Valencia 87 772 3521422

Extremadura 885,786 25,260

Madrid 4638724 241 747

Murcia 1,000,570 26,589

Navarra 478 133 23.110

La Rioja 233,520 13,922


Total 18,929,552 911 045

Municipal elections

Province Spanish Foreign

================ =================================================

Albacete 304 617 1627

Alicante 1218334 74 306

Almería 451,346 15,063

Álava 248 766 1415

Asturias 881,497 2,728

Ávila 133 553 764

Badajoz 549 438 1424

Baleares 744 947 22 196

Barcelona 3,969,948 37,892

Vizcaya 914 948 3,272

Burgos 286 230 2001

Cáceres 336 348 1014

Cádiz 968 036 4781

Cantabria 465 999 4244

Castellón 409,599 13,510

Ciudad Real 398 161 2,312

Córdoba 636 954 4389

A Coruña 940 037 2306

Cuenca 156 893 2548

Guipúzcoa 556 044 2,115

Girona 495,604 12,174

Granada 703 897 7170

Guadalajara 179 186 3,535

Huelva 389 795 7.127

Huesca 168 173 2,771

Jaen 524 219 961

Leon 400 985 2,103

Lleida 300 184 3,834

Lugo 288 364 1176

Madrid 4638724 64 459

Málaga 1109913 40 671

Murcia 1,000,570 15,680

Navarra 478 133 2,934

Ourense 269 753 2,619

Palencia 138 444 467

Las Palmas 13,685 795 636

Pontevedra 776 718 3,768

La Rioja 233 520 2,945

Salamanca 282 397 1137

Tenerife Sta.Cruz 21,802 733 265

Segovia 119 072 1681

Sevilla 1,500,030 4,188

Soria 71 203 958

Tarragona 547 763 8794

Teruel 106 182 1318

Toledo 510 290 4,873

Valencia 1893489 21 073

Valladolid 422 982 1,917

Zamora 157 036 748

Zaragoza 714 649 7153


Total 34,521,871 463 628

euronews published from Reuters as, but not involved in the published articles.

Copyright 2015 EFE.


New challenge Artur Mas Catalan – Televisa News

MADRID, United States, Tues. 31, 2015.- The president of the Generalitat launches a new challenge: if in Catalan elections in September his party Democratic Convergence of Catalonia wins the elections, will within 18 months to secede unilaterally from the rest of Spanish State.

Artur Mas go hand in hand with the independence party Ezquerra Republicana de Catalunya Oriol Junqueras and has asked the rest of the independence parties to join the cause. If a grand coalition achieved an absolute majority, year and a half could be separated.

Is it legal ?. No. Is it constitutional ?. Nor. The constitution says very clear that Spain is an indissoluble kingdom composed of 17 autonomous communities and two autonomous cities.

However, if finally Artur Mas wants to continue with his plan to end, would be unlikely to stop by force.

The problem with the Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy, is very serious though, maybe not you touch him manage it. There are general elections in November and is quite likely to lose


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The truth about viral picture of Syrian girl who surrendered – Trade

The image was shared by thousands of users on the Internet: a small Syrian girl with arms raised in surrender



Those who shared the picture said they were “shocked”. They spoke of “fear in the eyes of the child” looks “fix their eyes on the barrel of a gun”.

The story behind the photo, however, was very different.

There was a weapon he saw the small, but a camera. And the image was captured for all the world to see.

The BBC screened a photographer to investigate how the picture came up.


The photo went viral on Tuesday of last week, when it was tweeted by Nadia Abu Shaban, a photo journalist based in the conflict in Strip .

Suddenly, the image is spread through social networks.

“I’m crying,” “incredibly sad” and “humanity has failed”, were some of the comments.

The original release has been re-tweeted more than 11,000 times.

On Friday, the image was shared on Reddit, generating another wave of emotions.

You have received more than 5,000 votes of “likes” and over 1,600 comments.

The unbearable conditions have forced families with their children from their homes. (Photo: BBC)


But soon both networks were allegations that the photo was a fake, a montage? .

 Many Twitter wondered who had taken the photo and why was released without credit.

Abu Shaban confirmed that she was not the author but could not clarify who it was.

Imgur an image sharing site, a user traced the photo to cut a newspaper, saying it was legitimate but taken “around 2012″ and that the creature was actually a boy.

the publication named the Turkish photojournalist, Osman Sağırlı , as the author of the image.

The plight of refugees is reflected in the innocence of children, says Sağırlı. (Photo: BBC)


Trending BBC spoke to Sağırlı, now working in Tanzania

. The portrait was not a child, he said, but a four year old girl called Hudea and was taken in the refugee camp of Atma, in Syria, in December 2014.

The little girl had come into the camp, which is about 10 kilometers from the border with Turkey , with her mother and two brothers.

There were about 150 miles from home in Hama.


“I was using a telephoto lens and she thought it was a weapon” , Sağırlı says.

“I realized I was terrified after I saw the picture because he bit his lips and raised his hands. Normally children run away, hide their faces or smile when they see a camera.”

The photographer explains that images of children in camps are particularly revealing.

“You know that people are displaced in camps. It makes more sense to see the suffering not by adults but children. It is they who reflect what you feel about your innocence. “

The image was first published in the newspaper Türkiye in January, where Sağırlı has worked for 25 years covering wars and natural disasters was of his country.

The photo was widely shared in the Turkish social networks at the time.

But was several months before they return viral in the English-speaking world. .

And found last week, a government in the West

Source: BBC


GALLERY: Detained Spanish family that sent its members to … – Brownsville Herald


Rajoy rejects new plans independence of Catalonia – El Universal (Venezuela)


Tuesday March 31, 2015 11:15 a.m.

Madrid.- The Spanish prime minister, Mariano Rajoy, rejected on Tuesday route sheet signed Monday by several sovereigntist parties Catalonia which provide state within 18 months the independence of the region if they win the regional elections early September.

Rajoy said that the roadmap is poor in substance and in form for Catalonia (northeast) and Spain. According to the leader of the Popular Party (PP), no government never authorized the breakdown of national sovereignty in Spain, DPA reported.

The main opposition party level national, the PSOE also criticized the new route sheet sovereignty. Socialists believe that “denies the political dialogue” and point that no one can propose independence unilaterally.

The preliminary agreement was signed by Democratic Convergence (CDC), formation of the President of the Catalan government, Artur Mas, and his partner in government, Republican Left of Catalonia (ERC), plus three other separatist groups.

The signatories state that winning the sovereignist forces regional elections, Catalan draft Constitution drawn up within ten months. This would be submitted to a referendum eight months later and, if approved, the Catalan parliament proclaimed the independence of the region unilaterally in March 2017.

This draft agreement does not include the holding of a referendum self-determination, why was not signed by another sovereigntist formations Esquerra Unida i Alternativa.

In September 2014, Mas signed a decree to convene a independence consultation, which was vetoed after the Spanish Constitutional Court and the Catalan president finished celebrating last November 9 without officers and symbolically.

Two months later, Mas decided to advance the regional elections next September 27, intending to turn these elections into a referendum on independence. That goes to the polls will take place shortly before the general elections, which are not dated but still expected to be held later this year.


Sovereignist promise wean Catalonia in 18 months if … – Milenio.com

The independence of Catalonia from the rest of Spain and is due 18 months after September 27, when elections are held in the region. The only condition is that the next Catalan parliament has sovereigntist majority; It is a new pulse to the conservative government of Mariano Rajoy who opposes independence in the region.

This was agreed today Democratic Convergence of Catalonia (CDC) and Republican Left of Catalonia (ERC) and that period Parliament will promote a sovereigntist statement, draft a constitutional text in up to ten months to create and implement the necessary state structures, open negotiations with the government of Spain and the international community, hold a referendum on . the new constitution and elections reconvene

That is at least the roadmap signed by these parties and with the two main soberanistas entities: the Catalan National Assembly and Cultural Òmnium. On the contrary, the agreement is signed by some political forces as Union Democratic de Catalunya (UDC) and Initiative for Catalonia (United Left in Catalonia) who participated in the call sovereignist process.

The text signed by the formations above is the same as already made public two weeks ago aims to fix the back road to the elections of September 27 and the steps that are expected to complete the Catalan sovereignty process.

According to the statement of the formations that signed the preliminary agreement, his will is to “add new organizations maintaining absolute respect for their processes of internal debate.”

“The signatories Document holding talks with CUP (Nominated Popular Unity) to expand and build a common reference to the constitutional process space, “said the letter, which also explains why MES-Moviment d’Esquerres (Socialist Left Movement, emerged from PSC PSOE) “end to fix its position in the political council that will take place next April 17″.

No referendum on self

A Waiting for adding new support, the signatories noted that the draft agreement “will become agreement at the time the president of the Government of Catalonia, Artur Mas, to call the elections of 27-S and political parties contesting the same as incorporate in their electoral program. “

The text signed no time limits for the various stages and is highly generic drawn to the point that does not clarify whether in the process contain or not a referendum.

Indicates if you want “most citizens,” both parties undertake to develop a draft constitutional text “within approximately 10 months through a participatory process that allows gather more wills to the project through an open constitutional process. “

During this time would be launched” the necessary structures of the new state. ” Specifically talking about their own finances, social security, measures of legal transience, foreign affairs, energy infrastructure, social services and health, energy and security.

It also stresses that the Catalan Parliament would approve a declaration of sovereignty “as ad and start the process towards the proclamation of the new state or Catalan Republic.”

In this regard, both parties made clear that “the process of democratic transition would not be in any case subject the legal validity or possible challenges to this statement.

Yes, the document does not provide that a referendum on independence for Catalonia is made. For the referendum are sovereignist party elections September 27. All citizens would vote would be a referendum on the constitution of Catalonia

The text of the agreement ends pointing. “At the end of the process a binding referendum on the constitutional text that will culminate with the exercise of the mandate will be held democratic constitution for the new Catalan state. The positive result of this referendum will allow the proclamation of independence “.

And it makes clear that the roadmap concluded with the election of a new Catalan parliament” and in the new constitutional framework. ” Then happen to “negotiate new relationships with the Spanish government and the European Union.”

The last November a referendum in Catalonia in which citizens were asked if they wanted or organized not independence. They voted over two million Catalans (2’305,290 Catalan in Catalonia and 13,573 abroad) in an election day unprecedented in Catalonia.

The expected sovereignty referendum on 9-N (suspended on two occasions by the Constitutional Court) mobilized nearly 38% of the census planned (5.4 million Catalans) and was described as a “complete success” by Artur Mas, while the government of Mariano Rajoy said it was a “failure”.



Although the exact figure, in recent months the Bar Santa (CAS), has received over a hundred complaints against these professionals for the bad performance of their duties, affecting their sponsored who contract their services is not known for justice.

This was announced by the dean of the Bar Richard Villavicencio Saldaña who lamented that because of a group of bad lawyers has sometimes qualify all alike.

“We must also mention that there are now a thousand lawyers in the jurisdiction you are not authorized to perform their duties as such, but nevermind that they have done , “said Villavicencio Saldaña, who urged his colleagues to meet as it should be their role, especially if they are professionals who fight for justice can not engage in illegal activities.

To combat this exploitation by some lawyers said that in this case, it is up to the judiciary or prosecutors claim their certificates proving that they are enabled.

“There are some lawyers to which must be taught that they should not forget their professional ethics and whether to seek justice, do so provided they are authorized to do so and not allow them to act within the illegality, “he said urging professionals in the legal act correctly in the pursuit of justice, in addition to greet everyone for their day is celebrated on April 2.

Finally, like many people, regretted that date have a regional authority is doing nothing to improve the situation of Ancash, and worse now that some cities have been hit by rains, landslides floods so far and despite knowing that it is urgent are not carrying aid villagers surely expected to occur more disgrace.


EU leaders traveling to Tunisia to strengthen cooperation against terrorism – The Journal of Ciudad Victoria

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Arrested four people for his relationship with a delivery network … – euronews

Reuters, 31/03 07:08 CET

 A van Civil Guard in a jihadist operation last March 10. EFE / File A van Civil Guard in a jihadist operation last March 10 . EFE / File

Madrid, Mar 31 ( EFE ) .- Four people, including two children, were arrested this morning in Badalona (Barcelona) by Civil Guard for his alleged involvement in a network sending jihadists to Syria, said the Ministry of Interior.

Agents Headquarters Information Central Civil Guard Special Unit No. 2 and Information Section Zone Catalonia practiced these four arrests in an operation led by the Central Court of Instruction No. 5, National and coordinated Hearing by the Office of the National Court.

Among those arrested according Interior include two children under 16 years, apparently brothers, who were about to leave for Syria, via Morocco and Turkey.

In fact, according to research, the two children were scheduled to leave this morning from Badalona to Morocco and had already contacted network members capture and delivery to facilitate after your trip through Turkey.

The two children, who had left their schools in Badalona to study the Koran in a madrassa in Tetouan (Morocco), had entered a phase of radicalization and were going to go to Syria with full knowledge of their family environment, specifically the mother.

The Ministry of the Interior reports that the mother of the children had another son who died in the same conflict, in 2014, as part of the terrorist group Harakat Sham Islam.

euronews published from Reuters as, but not involved in the published articles.

Copyright 2015 EFE.


Pedro Sanchez: ‘The Socialist Party is the only alternative left’ – Blasting News

We Can is a force that has burst in our country is something that no one doubt is that in the Andalusian elections, despite expect better results, it has taken 15 years in their first year of participation, fact that seemed impossible when Pablo Iglesias decided to form the party.

Quite a few are the enemies he has won we in the short term that leads to life, and many are those who graded populist Chavez, has even been criticized for allegedly left in our country .

Recently, the leader of the PSOE, Pedro Sanchez, has returned to attack the PP can and naturally. A curious fact is that he did not shake his mouth to say the name of Mariano Rajoy, but whenever he spoke of can, like a terrifying villain it were, avoided pronouncing the name of the formation of Churches.

Pedro Sánchez wanted to make it clear to all Spaniards that the only alternative left there now is the PSOE, its past and its antiquity, also wanted to express, in their attack can, which is in favor of changing some little things in the Constitution, but one thing is that and quite another thing entirely to change.

But that’s not his attack on the formation of Pablo Iglesias, it also announced that his party tell people things they really can do, what you will not say the people are the things they want to hear, because then they do not comply and that’s when trouble.

By the PP has said he will win the elections because it is a game that is not even able to renew itself, has also said that the great failure of PP, which is not going to forgive the people, it has been ruling against 90% of the population.

Spain will not renew for a party, the PP, which is unable to renew itself same “, stated the leader of the PSOE .

Pedro Sánchez, with these statements has again made clear that it is totally against compromise with the formation of Pablo Iglesias.


Monday, March 30, 2015

A Dutchman anticipated that a tragedy could occur as the … – TN.com.ar

The Dutchman Jan Cocheret spoke two months ago about the risk that a co-pilot of an airplane waiting for the driver to leave the cab to close and not allow their entry again , as happened Germanwings flight in which 150 people died.

In an article titled “Me you can open the door?” , published in the Dutch magazine specializing in aviation ‘Piloot in Vliegtuig ‘The pilot warns of the risk of leaving the only passenger in the cabin where may decide to close the security door and not to allow entry of his partner.

“Thanks extraseguras the armored doors, is no longer very difficult for a driver prevents your partner to access the cabin. just have to wait to have to satisfy their natural needs never to open the door. “said Jan Cocheret in his article published by the Belgian Portal 7 sur 7

Jan Cocheret posted on his Facebook that unfortunately this story became reality. Moreover, in his article, the Dutch driver exposes always wondered who the fellow who flies with him in the car and if you can really trust him. “I continually wonder who is next to me. How can I be sure I can trust him?” , he said.


A mosso d’Esquadra. EFE / File – euronews

Reuters, 30/03 19:18 CET

 A mosso d'Esquadra. EFE / File A mosso d’Esquadra. EFE / File

Lleida, March 30 ( EFE ) .- A woman has died this afternoon in the city of Lleida at the hands of her partner, who has been shot with a firearm and subsequently attempted suicide, as reported by the Mossos d’Esquadra.

According to the regional police force, the events have occurred towards half past three p.m. in the street Jupiter Lleida, apparently, have been triggered by a family argument.

The neighbors have moved victim to Arnau de Vilanova in Lleida, where he died shortly to enter and where he also admitted after his alleged assailant, according to preliminary investigations, have attempted suicide with the same gun.

The alleged offender is in serious condition, as indicated by the Mossos d’Esquadra, now investigate the causes of event, although it seems that this is another case of male violence.

euronews from Reuters as published, but is not involved in the articles published .

Copyright 2015 EFE.


Now Madrid chooses a veteran jurist as a candidate for … – Reuters Spain

MADRID (Reuters) – Now Madrid, electoral platform that blends several leftist parties in the capital of Spain, chose Monday a veteran former judge as a candidate for mayor of a city that has been in the hands of the Popular Party’s 20 years.

Manuela Carmena , 70, was chosen by Can, training integrated Now Madrid that aspires to be decisive in municipal and regional elections in May after having shaken the Spanish policy in the last year.


“The person who has received the most votes was Manuela Carmena,” said Pepa Lopez, team member Now communication Madrid, in a press release issued by video on the Internet.

The exvocal the General Council of the Judiciary beat five other options in a data poll conducted last four days between supporters and also included the selection of the main measures to be carried out in the first hundred days in office.

These measures go through freeze foreclosures, stop privatization of public services They ensure electricity and water to all households that can not afford, ensure access to municipal health services and develop an emergency plan for the employment of youth and long-term unemployed, explained at the press conference.

Now Madrid, which also former members have joined the United Left, Equo and Ganemos citizen movement emphasized the social prestige of a woman whose career has been linked to human rights and social projects.

“Madrid has to give an absolute return to the way it manages from the public. We have to give a sense of service, “Carmona said in a debate between candidates last week in Madrid.

The once UN rapporteur sees necessary municipal management approach to citizenship and review of the accounts of a capital closed 2014 with a debt close to 7,000 million euros .

Now Madrid aims to build public discontent with corruption and cuts to enter the Madrid city council, ruled for 23 years for a Popular Party has gained in the last decade absolute majorities but that polls punished for his recent management and corruption in its ranks.

To do battle in a city whose loss would be a serious setback for the PP, the Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy, chose this month the veteran Esperanza Aguirre, favorite in the polls to win the mayoral chair.

© Thomson Reuters 2015 All rights reserved.


Catalonia: soberanistas announce independence in 18 months … – ICN Journal

You do not have any permission to access / 2015/03/30 / cataluna-soberanistas -anuncian-the-independence-en-18-months-after-the-27-s / on this server.

Additionally, for a 403 Forbidden Error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request .


The PPCV expels the mayor of Novelda, processed in a … – euronews

Reuters, 30/03 12:59 CET

 The exmember and exconsellera Milagrosa Martinez, current mayor of Novelda (Alicante). EFE / File The exmember and exconsellera Milagrosa Martinez, current mayor of Novelda (Alicante). EFE / File

Valencia, March 30 ( EFE ) .- The Popular Party of Valencia has expelled from the party to exmember and exconsellera Milagrosa Martinez, Current mayor of Novelda (Alicante), processed in one of the pieces of the Gürtel case, whose trial begins tomorrow in the Valencian Superior Court of Justice.

The PP notified this decision to the municipal group of PP in Novelda Friday, once the period of the provisional expulsion arguments concluded and no allegation was not registered to reported party supplies.

Now is the municipal group which must inform the expulsion of . Party Milagrosa Martinez through the appropriate channels in the session

Martinez is one of thirteen persons prosecuted -together with the leaders of the network Francisco Correa and Álvaro Pérez “Whiskers” – by contracts Generalitat with the Gürtel network design and installation Valencia exhibitor at the International Tourism Fair (FITUR) in Madrid between 2005 and 2009.

euronews from Reuters as published, but is not involved in the published articles.

Copyright 2015 EFE.


SPAIN: Cospedal says Barcenas ‘lies’ and I would … – EntornoInteligente

ENTORNOINTELIGENTE.COM / Finlandia Vodka, Distribuidora brand leader Francisco Dorta Sucrs CA next to Beach Bar El Yaque, this season brings excellent programming shirt for you to have a fantastic these wonderful days off. You can share the experience of pure Vodka with the best cocktails, while you delight with the best music in one of the best atmospheres of the island.
  This Easter, vacationers have the option of enjoying the best cocktails to the rhythm of luxury Line Up has prepared Beach Bar El Yaque: Dj Mystic, Joe, ELLRI, Grandfather, Miguelle, Marco Detroit, Porcel, Homer Ringtones, Duo Reiner Miguel Style, Doctor Turntable, 3 BlackGuys, who will be in charge of setting the rumba all week full of fun, to celebrate and enjoy an unforgettable experience in the best environment sun, sea, sand and the best rumba that offers Beach Bar.
 Date the highlights in this Holy and join the fun Vodka Finland and Beach Bar have for you Week. Share your best photos by instagram labeled #VodkaFinlandia #Beachbar #SemanaSanta.
 Keep your pure thought. Bebe resposablemente!



See also www.mundinews.com | www.eldiscoduro.com | www.tipsfemeninos. com | www.economia-venezuela.com | www.politica-venezuela.com | www.enlasgradas.com | www.cualquiervaina.com | www.espiasdecocina.com | www.videojuegosmania.com

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12.5 percent of women have been abused over … – euronews

Reuters, 30/03 14:53 CET

 A car Civil Guard. EFE / File A car Civil Guard. EFE / File

Madrid, March 30 ( EFE ) .- A 12.5 percent of women aged 16 or over and resident in Spain wins physical or sexual violence from their partners or former partners throughout their lives, below the European average at 22 percent, according to the Macro Violence against Women 2015.

The Minister Health, Social Services and Equality, Alfonso Alonso, has exposed the survey data, which updates the latest edition today filed four years ago and also reflects a 77.6 percent manage to overcome gender violence and rebuild their lives.

The research, developed in collaboration with the Centre for Sociological Research ( CIS ), was made from face interviews with 10,171 women over 16 years, representing over 2,171 women compared to 2011.

The macro-shows that 25.4 percent of women have suffered psychological violence or control, 21.9 percent have suffered emotional violence, and 10.8 percent have experienced economic violence, lower than the European average, estimated at 35, 32 and 12 percent, respectively percentages.

euronews published from Reuters as, but not involved in the published articles.

Copyright 2015 EFE.


Sunday, March 29, 2015

Five workers injured by burns Befesa plant … – euronews

Reuters, 29/03 15:53 ​​CET

 View of Befesa, in Erandio (Bizkaia), where now five workers were injured with burns in an accident. EFE View Befesa in Erandio (Bizkaia), where now five workers were injured with burns in an accident. EFE

Bilbao, 29 Mar ( EFE ) .- Five workers were injured with burns in an accident reported today at the plant Befesa, Erandio (Bizkaia), as reported by the Basque Department of Security.

The accident happened just before one o’clock when, apparently, operators working with an oven.

The five were taken to the Hospital de Cruces and at least one of them has serious injuries.

Befesa Aluminum SL (Remetal) is a plant light metal foundry dedicated to the processing of aluminum waste, among other activities.

euronews published tickers EFE, but does not intervene in the published articles.

Copyright 2015 EFE.


Aguirre aims to change the “attitude” of the City of Madrid … – euronews

Reuters, 29/03 21:02 CET

 The PP candidate for the Community of Madrid, Cristina Cifuentes, d., and president of the PP in Madrid and candidate for mayor, Esperanza Aguirre, iz., yesterday during a rally at the sports Alberto Contador of Pinto. EFE The PP candidate for the Community of Madrid, Cristina Cifuentes, d., and president of the PP in Madrid and candidate for mayor, Esperanza Aguirre, iz., yesterday during a rally at the sports Alberto Contador of Pinto. EFE

Madrid, Mar 29 ( EFE ) .- The candidate for mayor of Madrid by the PP, Esperanza Aguirre, says it aims to “change the attitude “City Council to citizenship so that this is” an institution to help, assist and make life easier. “

So says the candidate in an interview published today in the Barcelona newspaper” La Vanguardia “and in which he says that the Catalan and Madrid regions would have to go together “to achieve a more equitable system of regional financing, more per capita”.

To a question about whether he would oppose a reform of the Constitution, Aguirre replied that “it depends” and refers to can, “a political party that emerges with great strength” and that, in his opinion, “he wants to change it in the sense that (the former president of Venezuela, Hugo ) Chavez did in Venezuela. “

According to Aguirre, the party would” remove the mechanisms that allow the Western democracies that when a government does wrong, we replace the other to do well. ”

The candidate also claims that his return to politics has to do with “very scared” Can you feel about this match because, he says, wants to change the regime and system. “If can is first force is the last time that the Spaniards vote in freedom,” said Aguirre.

Also remember that agreed with the PP that if it turned elected mayor will leave the presidency of the party in Madrid, after he refused to do so simultaneously with his nomination, “which he says was not willing to do.”

“I am of those who cling to the charges do not. The mayor has never been president of the party in Madrid. But from there to the appointment of anyone, no. We have a democratic to elect charges procedures did not have before, “says in the interview the candidate to the Madrid City Council.

euronews published tickers EFE, but does not intervene in the published articles.

Copyright 2015 EFE.
