Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Sovereignist promise wean Catalonia in 18 months if … – Milenio.com

The independence of Catalonia from the rest of Spain and is due 18 months after September 27, when elections are held in the region. The only condition is that the next Catalan parliament has sovereigntist majority; It is a new pulse to the conservative government of Mariano Rajoy who opposes independence in the region.

This was agreed today Democratic Convergence of Catalonia (CDC) and Republican Left of Catalonia (ERC) and that period Parliament will promote a sovereigntist statement, draft a constitutional text in up to ten months to create and implement the necessary state structures, open negotiations with the government of Spain and the international community, hold a referendum on . the new constitution and elections reconvene

That is at least the roadmap signed by these parties and with the two main soberanistas entities: the Catalan National Assembly and Cultural Òmnium. On the contrary, the agreement is signed by some political forces as Union Democratic de Catalunya (UDC) and Initiative for Catalonia (United Left in Catalonia) who participated in the call sovereignist process.

The text signed by the formations above is the same as already made public two weeks ago aims to fix the back road to the elections of September 27 and the steps that are expected to complete the Catalan sovereignty process.

According to the statement of the formations that signed the preliminary agreement, his will is to “add new organizations maintaining absolute respect for their processes of internal debate.”

“The signatories Document holding talks with CUP (Nominated Popular Unity) to expand and build a common reference to the constitutional process space, “said the letter, which also explains why MES-Moviment d’Esquerres (Socialist Left Movement, emerged from PSC PSOE) “end to fix its position in the political council that will take place next April 17″.

No referendum on self

A Waiting for adding new support, the signatories noted that the draft agreement “will become agreement at the time the president of the Government of Catalonia, Artur Mas, to call the elections of 27-S and political parties contesting the same as incorporate in their electoral program. “

The text signed no time limits for the various stages and is highly generic drawn to the point that does not clarify whether in the process contain or not a referendum.

Indicates if you want “most citizens,” both parties undertake to develop a draft constitutional text “within approximately 10 months through a participatory process that allows gather more wills to the project through an open constitutional process. “

During this time would be launched” the necessary structures of the new state. ” Specifically talking about their own finances, social security, measures of legal transience, foreign affairs, energy infrastructure, social services and health, energy and security.

It also stresses that the Catalan Parliament would approve a declaration of sovereignty “as ad and start the process towards the proclamation of the new state or Catalan Republic.”

In this regard, both parties made clear that “the process of democratic transition would not be in any case subject the legal validity or possible challenges to this statement.

Yes, the document does not provide that a referendum on independence for Catalonia is made. For the referendum are sovereignist party elections September 27. All citizens would vote would be a referendum on the constitution of Catalonia

The text of the agreement ends pointing. “At the end of the process a binding referendum on the constitutional text that will culminate with the exercise of the mandate will be held democratic constitution for the new Catalan state. The positive result of this referendum will allow the proclamation of independence “.

And it makes clear that the roadmap concluded with the election of a new Catalan parliament” and in the new constitutional framework. ” Then happen to “negotiate new relationships with the Spanish government and the European Union.”

The last November a referendum in Catalonia in which citizens were asked if they wanted or organized not independence. They voted over two million Catalans (2’305,290 Catalan in Catalonia and 13,573 abroad) in an election day unprecedented in Catalonia.

The expected sovereignty referendum on 9-N (suspended on two occasions by the Constitutional Court) mobilized nearly 38% of the census planned (5.4 million Catalans) and was described as a “complete success” by Artur Mas, while the government of Mariano Rajoy said it was a “failure”.


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