Thursday, March 26, 2015

Congress Approves Spain “gag” –


MADRID (approved) .- The Spanish Congress approved an amendment to the Criminal Code and the Public Safety Act, known as “gag law” by the notorious cutting rights and freedoms, as well as significantly increase the penalties.

This law was passed solo by 181 votes of the deputies of the Popular Party (PP) in voting against 131 opposition MPs who criticized the government of Mariano Rajoy and his party cuts these freedoms that are highly targeted to the right to protest and freedom of expression.

The city today gave final approval to both standards, the most controversial Rajoy government.

After tough negotiations failed to convince the opposition, the PP was forced to remove from the original proposal that sanctioned the “outrages against Spain” and deleted the maximum penalty that reached 600 thousand euros, to leave the highest at 30,000 euros penalty for “serious disturbance of public safety.”

The same penalty shall apply to the protesters who refuse to dissolve a concentration or to resist authority, all at From July 1, when in force.

The PP is justified by saying that this law “Spain will be more secure and therefore freer”.

The rest political forces, describing it as totalitarian law PP, advanced that will repeal the gag rule as this party lost power.

We also strongly criticized the “Returns hot” of immigrants, although legislation maintains their rights to legal assistance and legal protection.

The opposition parties criticized the PP hardened against the law to cover acts of repression against the demonstrations, excusing a matter of public safety.

This law gives greater authority and powers to the police-including the private- police to contain the demonstrations and trims the right to demonstrate with severe penalties. Even penalizes record and broadcast images of police officers while suppressing the people.

This law led in recent months severe criticism from organizations like Amnesty International and the creation of a platform called “We are not a crime” that sought to overturn the law, which comes into force on July 1.

In addition to the “gag” a reform of the Penal Code which includes for the first time since the restoration of democracy was adopted in Spain, the “reviewable life sentence.”

Also the antiterrorism law agreed on a state pact between the PP and the Spanish Socialist Workers Party (PSOE), which aims to combat the attacks of extremism was approved Muslim fundamentalist. This legislation was the heat of the bombings in Paris against the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo



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