Saturday, March 21, 2015

Thousands of Spaniards in the streets demanding bread, work and shelter – Prensa Latina

Thousands of Spaniards claim on the streets bread, work and shelter March 21, 2015, 4:03 Madrid, March 21 ( PL) Thousands of Spaniards from different regions gathered today in suburbs and other areas of Madrid to star Dignity marches demanding bread, work and shelter.

 After concentrations, including landmarks such as the Puerta del Sol, protesters march in nine columns to the Plaza de Colón, where they held a protest against the policy of social cuts.

Some three hundred citizens and union organizations that make the movement of the Marches of Dignity called for the demonstration in preparation for a general strike on 22 October with the same claims.

Since last 19 groups from different regions of the country began arriving the Spanish capital in around 500 buses to participate in the demonstration, as authorities announced they will be watched by more than a thousand police officers.

The spokesman of the movement Ginés Fernández said the protest reached a national dimension as During the march to Madrid the different columns performed acts company in difficulty in every place where they spent the night on the way.

The above Protest Marches Dignity, March 22, 2014, featured and half a million participants, but this year the organizers reported that is conceived not as a final goal but as a step towards mobilizing strike October 22.

Coincidentally mobilization today, affected by hepatitis C which remained locked 94 days in two Madrid hospitals in demand for treatments for all patients said they conclude their isolation.

The spokesman of the Platform of People Affected by Hepatitis C, Mario Cortés, explained that thanks to protests persuaded the government increase the budgets to treat more than 50,000 patients, about six or seven thousand originally planned.

However, Cortes said that the actions of the platform will continue to demand the fulfillment of the promises of the authorities, because the limitation persists, despite official statements

tgj / ml.


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