Thursday, December 29, 2016

Dependencies report lists for the three Kings Parade – Periodico Notus (press Release)

Irapuato, Guanajuato

the operational areas of the local Administration are reported ready to participate in the monitoring and support towards the three Kings Parade which this year will return to its traditional route.

From Municipal Police, Traffic and Roads, Civil Protection, Firefighters, Streetlights, and Markets already have the operating ready to provide security to the attendees, in addition to prevent any anomalous situation during the journey of the 3 Magi and their contingents through the streets of the city.

The programmed route will have its output per Carriageway of the Chinacos, until Lázaro Cárdenas, Lázaro Cárdenas at avenida Guerrero, Revolution, Ramón Corona, passing by plaza of the Founders, Álvaro Obregón, mexico – Manuel Bent to the Square of the Commerce, boulevard Díaz Ordaz, until you reach the Plaza Don Bosco.

it Is necessary to remember, that to prevent some people wanting to make business aside places on the public road, Transit and Traffic City will not allow to install chairs and people until after the 1 of the afternoon of January 5, 2017.

there Also will be during the journey of the Magi with some points of emergency, in the event that a citizen requires support of the medical services, but also calls on the population to seek alternative ways to navigate in the city, since the streets mentioned, and its surrounding area will be closed shortly before the start of the traditional Parade of Kings, making mention that it will affect the least possible the fluid vehicle.

With the intention of having an event without problems of any kind, the municipal secretariats that will be deployed to monitor the procession of Kings, you are ready to in each of your competencies to work on to ensure zero incidents during this event which expects more than 500 thousand people.

About the author

Writing – Newspaper Notus. News from the Southwest Region of the State of Guanajuato, National and International.


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