Thursday, December 15, 2016

Former Catalan calls for Rajoy declared in the judgment for the query pro-sovereignty – Sputnik World

In addition to the presence of Rajoy, the defense of Most requests that come to the trial the minister of Justice, Rafael Catalá, the former mayor of Barcelona, Xavier Trias, and the deputy independence Francesc Homs, who is also investigated for the query independence of November 9, 2014.

More and two of her counselors during their performance in front of the Catalan Government, Irene Rigau, and Joana Ortega, will sit on the bench of the accused for the alleged crimes of disobedience and transgression in the organization of the aforementioned referendum, which had previously been suspended by the Constitutional Court.

The consultation, which was not a binding nor was it recognized by Spain, with the participation of 2.3 million people, of which a 80,76 per cent voted for the independence of Catalonia.

The defense of former Catalan ensures that More has not committed the crimes because he “disrupted the organization and management of the participative process,” five days before the consultation, to the root of the prohibition of the Constitution.

“What really happened is that you never officially convened to citizenship, but that it gave them the opportunity to organize and take part in a participatory process that is over performing thanks to the intervention of thousands of volunteers,” says the statement of defence.

For all this, the attorney But concluded that there was not an “express mandate, specific and categorical” by the former president to hold the referendum.

In exchange, the Prosecution estimated that the defendants carried out a “strategy challenge full and effective” despite the suspension of the consultation by the TC.

The public prosecutor’s request for a sentence of ten years disqualification from holding public office and a fine of 36,000 euros.

her counselors, the office of the Prosecutor requested nine-year ban and a fine of 30,000 euros.


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