More Junqueras and greet after the full / Gustau NACARINO (REUTERS )
The Catalan Parliament has approved this afternoon by 106 votes in favor and 28 against the law not refrendarias consultation allowing Artur Mas hold a referendum on independence on 9 November. Just as expected, have voted for Members of CiU, ERC, PSC, Initiative for Catalonia and the CUP, representing 78.5% of the camera. PP and Ciutadans have opposed the rule.
The adoption of the law ends the sovereigntist sheet Artur Mas and since this afternoon and have the legal protection to sign the decree of convocation of the query. The text provides that the law shall enter into force on the day of its publication in the Official Journal of the Generalitat. The date on which this requirement is met remains a mystery, but it is assumed it will not happen this Friday afternoon, but as of Monday.
According to the articles of the law, from date of notice of the inquiry to its conclusion must be a minimum of one month and a maximum of two. Ie, Mas has until October 9 to convene the inquiry, but it is assumed that the publication of the law and the decree of convocation shall be joint, not to give time for the government to involve and his suspension by Constitutional Court not allow signing the decree of convocation.
The law was passed after nearly a year of work of a parliamentary committee that has not participated Ciutadans. The opinion was adopted on 16 July and endorsed by five votes to four by the Council for Statutory Guarantees, the Spanish equivalent to the Council of State. In the parliamentary debate this afternoon there have been no surprises and parties have defended the positions for and against the law that had already defended in recent months. All amendments tabled in the afternoon session were rejected.
Josep Rull, Convergence and Union, has said that it is “a law conceived in democratic deepening” and has said that his party “Parliament does not intend to lose any function.” In his opinion, “is not only a law for the 9-N but also the law for the 9-N” and has railed against the PP. “Those who fought the Spanish Constitution, now seek to destroy it and not let us vote,” he said, and loaded against the attitude of the Government, “by threatening and prosecutors gather in Catalonia.”
Rull believes that the law of consultation “fits perfectly into the Constitution and the statute” and asked the government to “listen to the Catalan people.” “Do not ask permission or forgiveness, is no chimera aspire to build our future. Comes to freedom and democracy has come, and we’ll be unstoppable,” concluded Rull to cheers of nationalist MPs.
In the same vein, Gemma Calvet (ERC) has upheld the constitutionality of the law of consultation and recalled the opinion of the Board of Statutory Rights. In his opinion, the Constitution allows political pluralism, including the independence of Catalonia and, therefore, is a “tool in the service of democracy, not a dead end.” In this tradition we must frame the Catalan law. So he has called on the Government of Mariano Rajoy text not to resort to the Constitutional Court. “We want to respect our law and our consultation, we want to do on 9 November and not have to ask permission,” he added
Catalan president has not said when he signed the call for the query
Ferran Pedret, on behalf of Partit dels Socialist Party (PSC), has stressed the positioning that has kept his party during the pendency of the law is an element of deepening democracy but can not be used to defend the sovereignty query. “Yes to the law as an element to consult the public on many issues, but not the referendum without legal protection, because we will have shot himself in the foot,” said Socialist deputy. “Our support for the law is not an endorsement or consultation nor how it was carried out the sovereigntist process” has riveted
The Socialist representative has lashed hard against the immobility of the PP., The he has said that he has been “very useful to the cause of independence” with his stubbornness to offer a solution to the lace of Catalonia in Spain. Pedret has insisted that his party defends the legal and agreed consultation, as held yesterday in Scotland or the two Quebec referendums.
The People’s Party has eluded analyze the content of the law and has clarified that serves to see everything but can not be used to make a referendum. His argument is that the Government has no power over sovereignty and synthesized in what could almost be an election slogan. “There are seven million, we are 47,” said vehemently popular Santi Rodríguez referring to that sovereignty rests with all Spaniards. “This Parliament is sovereign, yes. But only when it has jurisdiction”. The deputy has said that 86% of Members of Congress on April 8 refused to transfer to the Government competition for the 9-N and threw to the floor this question: Do you dare to say that this is an undemocratic response or other ? “.
The analysis of popular is that the sovereignist not really want to see anything, but they already have decided the outcome.” They see the plume! “said Rodriguez, who has concluded his speech launching two messages to ERC and the PSC. “In a democracy, laws are changed voting and not disobey,” he broached the independence bench. Y then acidly, has urged socialists to vote against the law: “Lord Iceta: Let the heck and vote no”
500 people convened by the ANC. are concentrated against the Parlament shouting “We will vote”
Albert Rivera was the only leader who has participated in the discussion and agreed on something with the sovereigntist: the conflict is political and not just legal. Ciutadans President maintained that he is lecturing on constitutional and European as solidarity or equality over any issue identity values. And has accused the PP that only appeals to the law to stop the conflict: “This is a dream world for independence have to make an attractive country.”. Rivera has given a speech nearly key electoral perhaps because he is convinced that there will be no early elections. “I ask the PP and the Socialists who put the batteries,” said encouraging.
Given this vision, the spokesman Initiative Camats Dolors has broached the popular base which the Parliament has decided to promote a query that has not been allowed to hold a referendum. “The bridges are broken and the crack is getting bigger. Before starting any negotiation is required to listen to citizens,” said the eco-socialist, who has defended the law as an instrument to promote citizen participation in a democracy representative concerned. “Scotland has given us a lesson. Were not independent because they have not been loved. And that’s democracy,” has riveted.
Quim Arrufat of the CUP, has proclaimed that this is the only law emanating from Catalan parliament that his party will vote “with satisfaction and pride.” In his opinion, it is a law “property of the people of Catalonia that allows people to voice.” In the same vein, Joan Ignasi Elena, former PSC member and now attached, expressed his support for the law and unlike their former party colleagues, believed to serve legal protection for the 9-N.
The favored consultation deputies have been protected for hundreds of people summoned by the Catalan National Assembly, estelada in hand have been concentrated in front of the building of the Parliament to show their support for the Act After a banner with the slogan . 9N Votarem , concentrates have launched slogans like “ We will vote “ ” No We do falléis “
span lang =>. “President Artur Mas has been hailed his arrival and, after initially entering the Parliament, has come out again and has come up protesters touching his chest with four fingers (thumb hiding) symbolizing the Catalan flag. The popular Alicia Sánchez-Camacho and popular spokesman, Enric Millo, have been heavily booed upon arrival at the Parc de la Ciutadella. The two conservative politicians have rowed the way to the House but before crossing the threshold, have been around and have been looking for concentrate. Among the protesters were two Spanish flags citizens opposed to secession and eventually have become confused with the stellate .
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