Herman Van Rompuy / GEORGES GOBET (AFP)
Scotland and Catalonia, again and again. The President of the European Council, Herman Van Rompuy Belgian conservative, said today that the main difference between Catalan and the recent consultation process in Scotland are “constitutional constraints”. That prevent the holding of a referendum on independence. Catalonia “has a very specific problem because the Spanish Constitution does not allow the organization of referendums: the Government has announced that will go to the Constitutional Court when the Catalan Government convened the vote,” he said. So far the legal level, but Van Rompuy was abundantly clear in a recent visit to Madrid, which stressed the official doctrine in the European institutions, “If a part of the territory of a State becomes a new independent state, the treaties shall cease to apply to that territory. In other words, a new independent state becomes a third State with respect to the Union. Later you may apply for membership, but that income would be subject to ratification by all Member States. “
Van Rompuy has not been limited to the legal reserve in a debate at Princeton University in the United States . On the one hand, the president of the Council ruled that Scotland will spur a wave of similar referendums in ten countries with sovereigntist movement inside. “In a globalized world, people tend to find their identity: either religious or in terms of nationality. There is nothing wrong with that. The problem arises when that identity is constructed by converting the rest into enemies. ” Van Rompuy has committed to further the federal highway over which is now moving the UK, and gave as an example his own country: “In Belgium the main separatist party is [referring to the Flemish nationalist N-VA] and yet it is now negotiating a government program that does not include the territorial issue. ” “Each case, each country is different.”
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