Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Medley Gallardón, pending the return of China Rajoy – La Vanguardia

Medley Gallardón, pending the return of China Rajoy – La Vanguardia

Madrid, Sep 24 (EFE) .- Cash relay Alberto Ruiz-Gallardón as Minister of Justice with the inauguration of the new head of the department, Rafael Catala has been pending the return of the president on Sunday Government, Mariano Rajoy, official trip to China.

It appears that Rajoy would sign the appointment of Catala on Sunday late, upon arriving in Spain, so allow time for it to be published by the Official State Gazette (BOE) on the following day, on Monday 29 September.

In this way, it would take time for Catala up office that Monday, completing the renovation of Ministry of Justice following the resignation yesterday Gallardón following the withdrawal of the reform of the abortion law, in which both had been involved.

The BOE has today published its termination and, in fact, Gallardón has not exercised today and as Minister of Justice and has not gone to Congress where the opposition had asked several questions and a challenge precisely on the reform of abortion.

This morning he left his home in his private vehicle and at noon he was seen having lunch at a popular restaurant near the Congress along with his closest aides in a farewell meeting.

Gallardón has left the scene in a taxi and not the official car that accompanied him in the last decades that has had different responsibilities.

Today it has also formalized his resignation as deputy act, as it moved yesterday to announce that he was leaving politics .

However, the parliamentary group sources were unable to specify who will fill the seat vacated by the former Minister.

By order would behoove Valentina Martinez Ferro, right hand the head of Office of the Prime Minister, Jorge Moragas, although this should resign his seat on the Executive, which does not seem likely.

The next on the list is Isabel Orozco Pedroche, number 29 of the candidacy of PP for Madrid in the general election in November 2011.

Meanwhile, the head of the Ministry of

Justice is now an interim Executive Vice President, Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría, who also takes the lead in the Executive absence of Rajoy, so also chair the Council of Ministers on Friday.

Saenz de Santamaria could also be responsible for ordering the filing of the expected action of the Government to the Constitutional Court (TC) against the convening of the sovereigntist consultation in Catalonia, announced by the president of the Generalitat, Artur Mas, on November 9.

This morning in Congress itself Saenz de Santamaria has clarified that only will be Minister of Justice “five days,” and praised the work done by Gallardón in the Executive.

“We worked hard, was partly my boss because I belong to the Ministry of Justice, is my site of origin, “he recalled.

Regarding substitute Ruiz-Gallardón, Rafael Catala has highlighted that a person” very serious, very reliable and with vision “and” knows very well ” Ministry that will lead because he was Secretary of State for Justice.

The vice president has been among the few members of the government who have spoken today output Gallardón Executive.

Another has been the Minister of Industry, José Manuel Soria, who emphasized that the removal of abortion reform, like the decisions of the Government, is an action taken collegially, while praised the “intense” and “brilliant” path Ruiz-Gallardón.

“All government decisions are collegial, both when the government approves a bill such as when you choose to delay the project for the sake of finding a greater consensus” he admitted.

edr.cor / jdm


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