Tuesday, September 23, 2014

The mayor of Barcelona rule out convene consultation and Mas … – La Voz de Galicia

The mayor of Barcelona rule out convene consultation and Mas … – La Voz de Galicia

“This week or in the coming days,” these were the words of Artur Mas when asked when would unveil the mystery about when would be called the independence consultation November 9 in Catalonia on alert and the Government of Mariano Rajoy.

But when plasmará not want to reveal his signature challenge the independence to maximize revenue political situation and speculation about what will make the presindent are many. According to the newspaper reveals World , Mas would step this week published the Consultation Act, passed last Friday in Parliament , the decree convening the consultation and decree early elections , all for November 9.

This thesis argues that in this way, Artur Mas fulfill his promise that the Catalans would come to vote on that date. Under Article 75 of the Statute, early elections must be called at least 40 days prior to the event, so the president of the Generalitat have a deadline of next Monday to execute your plan.

discards Trias

The Mayor of Barcelona, ​​Xavier Trias (CiU) has ruled that the Government will convene the sovereigntist consultation and elections Early on November 9: “I am not aware or think this is working well,” he assured. This has been pronounced in an interview with the Cadena Ser collected by Europa Press , asked about the possibility. Trias has stressed that the inquiry will be within the law: “Everyone thinks that we will unreality, and what has always explained Artur Mas is that we will from strict legality”, he explained


About report of the National Police made public by the Cadena Ser pointing to independence leaders have attempted to reconcile positions with the resident Muslim community in Catalunya to catch a favorable vote consultation, Trias has said it is “unfortunate that such reports

are disseminated.”

According to the station, the report notes that leaders of the CUP and ERC have maintained contacts with group, and in towns such as Manlleu (Barcelona) have used mosques for independence consultations, at what police warning that radical leaders could support independence for access to the municipalities. Trias has considered these reports spread is wanting to undermine coexistence in Catalonia , and has branded “absolute disgrace” the conclusions of the text.

“It’s all absolutely prepared ‘

The Justice Minister Alberto Ruiz-Gallardón, warned on Tuesday that” everything is absolutely prepared’ to to judicial response from the Government to the Consultation Act soon to be published in the Official Gazette of the Generalitat de Catalunya and the Executive has stated that he no longer has “any action” that would be “neither surprising or modify “the situation is” expected. “

Speaking to the media, minutes before the opening of a conference on cyber security at IBM, and asked about government action against the publication of the Inquiries Act, noted that although Gallardón has not yet been made public, the government already knows the law and just wait for it to be published ‘start time’ to appeal to the Constitutional Court . “It’s all absolutely prepared. There is no measure that currently can surprise or any of the ways to change the situation that the government has planned perfectly. “


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