Sunday, September 28, 2014

The Government launched the process to appeal the decree … –

The Government launched the process to appeal the decree … –

The Deputy Prime Minister Soraya Saenz de Santamaria, today announced that the Government has asked the State Council the report required for submission of appeals to the Constitutional Court against the law and against the Catalan consultations decree of convocation . The Standing Committee will meet Sunday throughout the afternoon.

The criterion of the State Council on the law of consultation is “very advanced,” explained the sources of this institution, which added that now have to analyze the decree convening the sovereigntist query.

In an appearance at the Moncloa Palace, Saenz de Santamaria has been reported that the Government has initiated steps to promote judicial review against the law inquiries and the decree convening the sovereigntist consultation on 9 November has signed today the president of the Generalitat de Catalunya, Artur Mas.

Once the State Council issued its report, has continued Vice President, the Cabinet will meet for the Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy, may raise proceedings before the Constitutional Court.

Sáenz de Santamaría, regretted “deeply” the president of the Generalitat has signed the decree convening the sovereigntist query Nov. 9 because, he said, “fracture Catalan society and distances them from Europe,” and has ensured that this call “divide the Catalans , them away from Europe and the feel of the times. ” The vice president recalled that the December 12, 2013 the President of the Government announced the calling of the referendum on self-determination, date and questions and that even then the prime minister, Mariano Rajoy, said he was not going to celebrate.

Sáenz de Santamaría: “no one is above the law”

Saenz de Santamaria said since Rajoy, the administration and Congress have reminded Mas that “there is nothing above the sovereign will of the Spanish people, that is the sole holder of sovereignty, and that all Spaniards decide what is rightful Spain and how it is organized.” “ No government is above the sovereign will of the Spanish people, no government can give or compromise on what can only decide the set of Spanish . It is the law that protects the sovereign will of the whole . the Spanish people Without law there is no democracy “, underlined Vice President

And she added:.” No government and no one is above the law, because no one is above the sovereign will of the Spaniards. ” Saenz de Santamaria said it is the government that must “ensure that the law is observed, which is tantamount to ensuring the survival of democracy.”

The president of PPC, Alicia Sanchez Camacho, said that the convening of the sovereigntist consultation 9N, Artur Mas has erected a “wall” to “divide and confront” the Catalans, in what looks a “betrayal of democracy.” But after you have signed in an official event decree convening the eventual sovereignty consultation, the popular leader has appeared to value a decision that, in his opinion, is a “betrayal” of democracy, “seny” (common sense) and coexistence of the Catalans.

Sánchez-Camacho has accused the Catalan government to organize a “referendum without democratic guarantees” which, as emphasized, is not protected by the Constitution and Regulations, and is “a fraud” based on Law Consultation . Therefore, he reiterated that the decree of convocation “is DOA,” and promised the government “will ensure the stability of democracy” and will respond to sovereignty “challenge.” “Although Mas has been released in this adventure to its logical conclusion, the Popular Party government guarantees the unity of Spain, coexistence, democracy and compliance with the laws,” he pointed out.

Sanchez Camacho also stressed that But the sovereignist plan is a “headlong rush” to “cover” the event Pujol , after the president of the Generalitat to appear in Parliament to give explanations of the accounts his family abroad for over 30 years and his leadership of the Government over two decades.

The general secretary of the PP, María Dolores de Cospedal, has also joined the criticism of the president of the Generalitat, which has been branded “irresponsible” and “suicidal” today after signing decree convening of the sovereigntist consultation, which is in his opinion a form of “cover incompetence” and “lack of courage to make decisions.”

“This law can not cover a question of a referendum”

Meanwhile, the first secretary of the PSC, Miquel Iceta, has accused the president of the Generalitat of “creating false expectations and feed a lot of frustration “with the announcement of the sovereigntist consultation and signed warning that does not fit the legal framework of the Act and will not be held consultations. “We are a party that voted in favor of the Act consultations, but e sta law can not protect its own question of a referendum , and that arises is,” , has argued the socialist press conference.

In this regard, Iceta approved the central government reverted to convocation decree to the Constitutional Court (TC), which stated that it is who will make ” arbitrator “and decide on the legality of the call ultimately. “Just as the Government uses the actions believed to invade its powers, the Government has the right to take to understand what TC is not set for the law,” he said the Socialist leader. Mas has reprimanded Iceta who signed a call that does not fit, in his view, to what the Act covers not refrendarias Consultations, the PSC supported in the Catalan Parliament.

As the PSC, the PSOE spokesman in Congress, Antonio Hernando, has claimed that the Catalan consultation “is not going to be able to make” because “going against” the Constitution and ensured that socialists support the “challenge” of the decree of convocation referendum in Catalonia.

Hernando has assured journalists that the notice of Almería sovereignty referendum in Catalonia is “the most serious and irresponsible decision taken by a government in Spain.” “Socialists believe that the signing of this decree is the latest episode of a very serious drift” , has argued Hernando, who also insisted that socialists support challenging the decree because “there is no right Mas to go skip the rule of law. “

In this line recalled that” everyone knows “that the PSOE is” supporter “of the reform of the Constitution, but has clarified that “before” make this reform, it should “obey the Constitution.” “We support the challenge to the Constitution is met and that a decision to list the Spaniards in Spain, regardless of the community in which they live, do not take one part of Spanish citizenship.”

“must But knowing that the decree will be challenged, crippled, the query will not be able to perform because it goes against the Constitution,” he argued.

“I hope Madrid does not look ridiculous “

The president of the PNV, Andoni Ortuzar, has asked the Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy, who do the” ridiculous “to appeal to the Constitutional Court the notice of consultation November 9 in Catalunya and stop “that people say what they think.” The president of the PNV, asked about the decree was signed by President of the Generalitat, on consultation sovereigntist November 9, Ortuza said he hoped that day the Catalan people “to decide their future in democracy.”

The action that is expected to approve Monday the Cabinet against the convocation of the consultation, the president of the PNV has said that Rajoy has time to “rectify and rethink the roadmap negative which appear to be installed “and asked him to allow the Catalans vote as has happened in Scotland.

In this regard, he recalled that in the UK had a similar problem that gave a “democratic” response from governments in Edinburgh and London. Catalonia, he added, is walking the same path as the Scottish people, making a difference “is not so much between Barcelona and Edinburgh, but between London and Madrid.” “I hope Madrid do not ridicule because the Spanish democracy, with a ban, it would be ugly” , he insisted.

Noting that Euskadi also claims the right to decide, the leader of the PNV has indicated that the “ancient” Catalan and Basque peoples have “a lot of patience and a lot of historical memory” and has warned that “will not stop the citizens in their desire for freedom and to decide their future. “

There will be expansion


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