Tuesday, September 30, 2014 – 03.46 h
Barcelona raw denunciation blockade of preventive Express query 9-N Catalunya by synchronously, the Government kingdom Spain presiding Mariano Rajoy and Constitutional Court presiding Francisco Pérez de los Cobos . Madrid the focus is on the law and the rule of law to restrain Artur Mas or the Constitutional suspended or dismounts the plan of ‘president’ of the Generalitat.
That is the common denominator of the first editions of Barcelona and Madrid newspapers today. A kiosk unanimously puts the focus on the response of the authorities of the Kingdom of Spain to the challenge of Catalan query. And it does not stop claiming editorially and political dialogue to resolve the dispute agree, although the cave advocate shielding Spain one if the Constitution is touched. A kiosk, finally, also dismisses the former Minister of Economy Miguel Boyer .
In Barcelona, the sovereigntist ‘The Punt Avui ‘ titled on cover with an explicit “They’ll sack”. The editorial (“The Spanish State is blind”) reports that both the Government and the Constitutional Rajoy who chairs a exmilitante PP “have worked together subordinating all acts a certain interest,” which considers “aggression” the majority will of the Catalans. And ends: “The Spanish justice has begun to threaten from the first made public yesterday providence, some directed not only to the members of the Government but to collaborate with third consultation threats if they try to collapse the Spanish judicial system, you get it.. If you intend to frighten, have nothing to do. “
” explosive reaction “also proclaims the sovereignty ‘Ara’ in a first collecting the defense of the “indissolubility of Spain” that “no one can break” of Rajoy and denouncing But the hostility of the Spanish government to most of the Catalan people. The editorial also notes the timing of the political, judicial and legislative powers of the kingdom to prevent granite forms the 9-N, sharpens it “the TC will have to argue well why not allow rule to the Catalonian population ( in principle it is this which is at stake, not the Spanish sovereignty) and why as well as majority frustrates longing in Catalan society “. He concludes: “They can impede, or that it is a few weeks, the Catalans vote, but they can not stop or democratic desire nor the clock of history”
“Lock Out” titled NEWSPAPER first, returning to claim editorially dialogue and political agreement because “the necessary respect for the law is not enough” to treat “Catalan disaffection” and concludes by placing the Constitutional Court to help make the pitch: “It is not desirable for the annulment of the 9-N query, in which many people have legitimate hopes deposited, held on a precautionary suspension merely believe that there is enough time. So before that date a well-informed decision is drawn up and agreed to help to mark the lines on which politicians can move to resolve this dispute without winners or losers. “
In Madrid, where no one identifies as Spanish nationalist and where to present challenges as Rajoy, democracy, law and the Constitution become synonyms, El Pais highlighted in the Constitutional cover “dismantles the plan More “. His editorial highlights these headlines: “Retrieve the initiative Rajoy had no choice but to oppose the illegal referendum Mas is now up to the political..”. The text is riveted in the first paragraph: “This offense is a State issue, not just a view of the Government, and behind it are those who believe in the rule of law.” And so ends, having criticized Mas “operate on the basis of fait accompli” and Rajoy leading “recessing two years without proposing alternatives”:
“Rajoy says he is not opposed to playing . constitution but merely adds that if someone wants to modify seek the necessary support to do so Sanchez sums correctly.’s Constitution is not defended with immobility, but renewing it is time that all parties involved show responsible behavior, giving up entrenched in their positions and using, as stressed Rajoy, the path of dialogue to prevent the situation from degenerating into a clash of Catalan among themselves and with all the Spaniards. The challenge is to reinstate to large numbers of Catalan society in the joint project. “
‘World’ also going through a similar path and who shows more tip to drift and Catalunya Spain punish the economy and finances of both and continues to delve into the police investigation into suspicions that Mas Pujol and together may have had money abroad, and more specifically in Liechtenstein. Today gives nothing new, but devotes a second editorial to it. The first is entitled: “A message of serenity and firmness [the Rajoy], which does not exclude finding solutions”
This concludes. “Facing the possible pulse can now
The two day more marianistas agree invoke –so Law, mayúsculas–, the rule of law and democracy to curb Mas. The two also agree to full Rajoy’s speech yesterday. ‘Reason’ and ‘Abc’ also pass through the same path Editorial: Over the first claim to render it to Rajoy or go home now. The second points to the ‘president’ of the Government solely responsible. “Suicidal intent on busting constitutional legality”
‘Reason’ his editorial entitled “Final breakaway. Following the decision of TC, Mas would do well to move on and accept Rajoy’s outstretched hand. ” So just “Catalunya urgently needs a new government that is fully engaged in solving the serious problems that have frozen after three years of sovereigntist mirages and get her out of the crisis so far, the only government that has supported the Government payroll. the payment of debt and performance of basic services such as health and education in Catalonia has been to Rajoy. It is time that the Catalan rulers are put to work for the welfare of citizens. since decided to break with wisdom, Mas has not missed any chance of being wrong. Nevertheless, he now presents a unique opportunity to return to the path of legality and to think of all Catalans occasion. Allies not cease and surely from the Government of the nation will not be racing props If not look like that, after the Constitutional issued yesterday, Mas has only one output:.. leave “
unfeasible THIRD WAY
The editorial ‘abc’ finally brings these headlines: “The State takes the initiative to protect democracy. No one can be fooled so TC decided yesterday. But he has consciously pushed the confrontation Catalunya with the state. No train crash: there is only one train a suicide driver. Catalan nationalism has reached the limits of the broader interpretations of the Constitution. You can not give more without breaking the equality between Spaniards “
And this is the penultimate paragraph.” Unhealthy disloyalty of Catalan nationalism unviable third, fourth or fifth avenues for reform of the Constitution, because their goals are out of any constitutional, they are out of Spain. Recovery arrangements should have a new basis set by the Government of the nation and in the interest of Spain as a whole. Catalan singularities are already recognized and consolidated in a maximum regional regulations, although any reasonable improvement of the autonomic system can and should be considered in a context of trust and loyalty. A federal reform could hardly go beyond what we have now, but if feasible, before should ensure the powers of the central institutions to protect the national interest and to the nationalist disloyalty two premises strict federalist nature. ”
The Country :
“The Constitutional suspends consultation and dismounts Mas plan,” “Robots for how are human. Advances allow use to operate or meet brain activity “,” Hong Kong’s protest, the biggest challenge in China since Tiananmen, “” Die Boyer, the minister who modernized the economy, “
“The Constitutional suspends Mas,” “The unlikely that investors buy the debt of Catalonia ‘. Fitch puts negative outlook and threatens to degrade to “junk,” “The Minister of Justice will change the law Gallardón rate,” “The hardliners in China calls for the military to intervene in Hong Kong”
Abc :
“The law restrains Artur Mas,” “Die Miguel Boyer, the architect of the economic ‘felipismo” “exceeds Caritas volunteers and donors, with less public funds “
The Reason .
” law is imposed. The Constitutional Referendum slows unanimously ‘aware of its importance, “” The prosecution could proceed against Mas promote the 9-N “” Goodbye to’ super minister ‘wayward with Gonzalez “” Caritas attended this year more than 600,000 people in 2012, “” The new Minister of Justice reviewing rates “
Ara :
.” reac fulminant. L’Estat accelerates per curb the 9-N. Rajoy: ‘The Constitució’ is fonamenta in indissolubilitat d’Espanya ‘i Això’ beef or pot trencar ningú ho ‘. TC: The suspen court, petició Moncloa, consult the llei of the decret i tot which s’en desprengui “” More: ‘The Government és espanyol clarament hostile to Majoria poorman català’ “
The Punt Avui :
“They’ll sac. The TC ADMET Tramit els resources to Govern de l’Estat i suspen i consult the llei of the decreed. L’alt court amenaça of retaliating ‘parts implicades tercers i’ “” Balance migratori negatiu a Catalunya per segon any seguit “” Clam per dels bretons tenir one espai propi to França “” The Valencia will be a residual language 2050 ” .
La Vanguardia:
“The TC suspends consultation hours after application,” “The electric bill will rise by 11% in the last quarter,” “Goodbye Boyer, the man who modernized the economy, “” 50,000 fewer cars in Barcelona by the crisis: Lock Out “
“. The Constitutional suspended in 58 hours for consultations law, the 9-N and its preparations, “” Die Boyer, the modernizer of the economy in the 80 “” Dogs may enter from tomorrow on the subway, except when tip “” The Sitges Festival opens on Friday charged with strong emotions “
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