LiberalEH, on my part I give you all gotten nationalism, existing and future. MI reasoning neither understands nor comprte, whatever they may be.
MIs principles and values are other, not if you will attain to understand, I doubt it.
fine Ostia – & gt; furious onslaught
These do not learn Spanish nationalists
, -)
Fecongar your Spanish nationalist position is perfectly legitimate and I feel good that defend her unapologetic
Why anyone would not oppose nationalist Catalans decide how they want to organize in the future and whether or not forming part of Spain
I think what is not acceptable is that nationalistic pride that leads you to think that you defend the real truth … And of course that does not have the same opinion … Lunged not think …
Anyway …
LiberalesEH, you’re one of those new heads to embestidoras he meant the great Machado, no doubt.
is normal, as you define your that you are neither in nor right izquieras … ha ha ha ha … you can expect ??. Or you’re a fake or embestidor. Either things do not dignify a lot. Your mismito with fantasies and racial hatreds tusinfantiles schemes, real life continues.
ICLS, you get on with your “just looking to find her,” but do not forget that after much delay without finding anything for your paths to the inteligebtes happens that “the desperate waiting.” But nothing, if it makes you happy, keep ramming
Over and out, I do not contribute anything useful on these issues.
Fecongar Seriously … I think you’re making a big mistake trying to defend the unity of your beloved homeland Spanish insulting anyone who does not think like you …
The big Machado could use the term butting with the appropriate … considered a genius … but you’re a Spanish nationalist Fecongar unapologetic ???? which is dedicated to insult anyone who spoils his flowery pseudoanálisis
The Catalans can decide on Catalonia, not Spain. Nothing exceptional, and around the world.
Personally, and from a position complejs left without ornaments or jewelry, I’m more than sick and tired of repeating my opinion and arguments about these repetidisimos and recurring themes throughout history in all parts of the world.
Yes, I am referring to and appeals to the “people”, the “homelands”, the “flags”, “identities” the “singulartidades, the” idiosicrasias “and a lot of the same concepts of metaphysical nature.
As if international modern state societies, naconales, as were constituted and organized in your true inner on the basis of these intangibles and pseudo divine concepts, when relaidad are constituted, configured and running on the basis of the different social classes that confornan and its various contradictions and conflicts that occur between them, where illusionists concepts mentioned above are for the exclusive use manipulative and interses hider of different social classes.
Yeah, I’m too tired to refute with reasoned arguments against artificial concepts settled in the guts of those who have much intelligence. And of course you also bored of repeating that recourse to appeal to the guts of l @ s @ s citizenship with these fictitious and fallacious concepts fed natural and used almost exclusively, except for very rare occasions, by local oligarchies, whether esrado the nation or they may be, to maintain and / or increase their interest and only social and especially economic privlegio.
It’s a shame, but in situations like this and others like it, near and far, comes to mind the saying of the great Machado when he said: “Every ten heads nine rammed and thinks”
For that, the moment I do not want to say anything more.. Gero
When the TC decreed the provisional suspension of illegal referendum consultation character, rather abort their “referendum narciturus.”
want to pass into the annals of nationalism as he tried. It’s not a suicide, nor is it going to do harakiri.
The Ezquerra claim to be the “guarantor” of illegality and unbreakable will boast. Sure they are not the ones who hold the presidency of generality. Challenging the TC is serious.
If the opresidencia Ezquerra ostentase of generality, would work just as I will do arturet illuminated.
2 and peak years at the helm the regional government, and Artur Mas has ended his political career, has fractured society 2 has radicalized political life has shattered and still CIU, 1 year demolition task is left. The issues of the day, parked in a trunk with no signs of being managed.
has inflamed the masses and created false expectations with the possibility of independence in the short / term and that would be the panacea for all ills. False expectations lead to frustration.
I think you have too much confidence in government. What would be logical that the prosecution acted officially, but knowing Rajoy and his entire government will give all sorts of excuses to do nothing and see if the problem corrects itself.
come out every few minutes saying that if we do this or that, and in the end to move one finger.
Look at what they do, not what they say.
I agree. I do not have much faith in this government weaklings, but so far, I separate the wheat from the chaff and Artur Mas will not commit contempt of TC.
I dare say that neither will early elections, at least not in joint list with ezquerra.
CIU is primarily a power structure, and a climate of collective frustration and Pujol / CIU case monopolizing newspaper front pages, would stick a bump of UCD-ic proportions.
In addition, you can call them aupar plebiscitary elections for the presidency of Virgo supercluster, but for practical purposes, be regional elections that will an autonomous government.
unborn child will be. It is known that the EPA should not teach classical languages.
THE truth is that I believe that the democratic image of Spain is being hit hard by this closure to consult Catalan poor …
As Spain continue that impairment is not how far …
Not knowing, you do not know the quarters in the year.
Anda you covered like a waiter glory.
Lessons of democracy going to give you? Neither is the day of the Holy Innocents, neither is the oven buns.
60 entrepreneurs Germans signed a manifesto against the independence and the Ezquerra, They called them “Nazis.”
Catalan nationalism, is totally discredited in the international arena. International leaders have been taking the doors on to Artur Mas when touched on its doorstep.
And the book that Mas gave to saldmon has just at a flea market in London.
I intuit in shock state to percatarte that you are not the navel of the world.
A sovereigntist consultation which has not argued that the consequences would be for society seems nothing of stupidity …. Being independent will make everyone work automatically and the money grows on trees ????
For 4 morons fans perfect the rest I doubt qwue fool … This is not serious nor Catalunya or Spain … pensions as paid? if you independizas with all of the law, you go agur quotes …
I think the españolistas, seriously, do not you realize that are not in position to force the Catalans to belong to Spain. It can be clean and fast or slow and painful but Catalonia wants to go and get it that follows. With cockiness, insults and bad ways you are not going to get more to give disgust (more, if possible) More you might as hubiérais treated them to convince rather insulting that the only possibility of Catalunya stay in Spain is that you do the referendum and leave no to independence. Now, you can follow indulging your helplessness.
And it does not matter what anyone españolistas the forum but that españolistas politicians are the same. Now that’s serious.
so that mania of españolistas ……………… as no Catalans and Basques against the query ……………….
there, but will be Basque españolistas right? how do you like me to call you?
I do not know what will carca, but I’m not españolista. A Spanish my being not fill me with pride and shames me. Simply I have Spanish passport now, and so am Spanish.
It is a matter of law, those who refuse to respect Mas.
No more than
say nonsense
All independent think they will all be rich overnight for morning, for starters, passport to go to Laredo ,,, passport to go down Rioja, Burgos passport to go to Aragòn ,, ,, all parts ,, sereis foreign friends worldwide excepting Euskadi, the mini state ..and that you will fondly tenner in the rest of Spain … will you sell only Euskkkkkkkkkkkkalherriakkkkkkkk, inthe competitive world that a small region alone has no place.
A madness that will take its toll ….. termona USKA :: the phrase THE KAKA
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