Monday, September 29, 2014

Rajoy, on the 9-N: ‘A party may not make decisions on … – The World

Rajoy, on the 9-N: 'A party may not make decisions on … – The World

Government has already formalized the presentation of two constitutional against Consultation Act and the decree of convocation of Artur Mas arguing, as explained by the Prime Minister [Read the full statement ], that both provisions “seriously undermine Constitution and the rights of all Spaniards.”

“A party can not take decisions on all” warned Rajoy collecting well one of the main arguments put forward by the State Council. “It is false,” he added forcefully, “that the right to vote and decide unilaterally can chalk a community.” Precisely because, as stated in its Constitution Article 1 , national sovereignty resides in the whole Spanish people, the Government maintains that the claim Over consultation with the Catalans on their belonging to Spain, is “profoundly undemocratic”.

In these conditions Rajoy Government maintains that neither political nor can legally do anything to “defend and protect” the Constitution adopted by all.

“There is no one and nothing that can break the principle of indivisible unity of Status and deprive all to decide what is your country, “stressed the president, also noting that the Government has an obligation to defend the rights of all” also Catalans. ” Thus, the Executive defend the “democratic law that guarantees equality and freedom and the expression of the will of the majority.”

“Without law there is no democracy ‘

” No law can oppose democracy because there is no democracy without law or policy. ” But the president has said that laws can be changed but must be done through the channels democratically established “without looking for shortcuts or subterfuge.”

Rajoy has also tapped to reproach But he that all this time has made dialogue impossible because his strategy has been to adopt unilateral decisions tried to reach “a point of no return.” It has also been accused of “unfairly delegitimize the institutions.”

this has “regretted” having convened a query that “is against the law, democracy overflows, divide the Catalans, distances them from Europe and further condemns them to frustration.” And he stressed, “the worst is that he knew.”

‘Dialogue within the law’

Mariano Rajoy has admitted three questions after his statement journalists. It was when he said that “we still have time to right the ship, but with the essential condition to observe the law in its entirety.” “All the dialogue within the law but nothing out of the law,” he insisted.

Rajoy, true to form, did not want to anticipate events and has avoided answering what will happen if the Government nevertheless continues his challenge. The president insists that for now does not cover other than that of the President of the Government to enforce the law scenario.

The Council Ministers on Monday asked the Constitutional Court to suspend the Catalan law on consultation and convening the 9N DeCerto but also “all other actions to prepare, made or coming to the notice of this consultation, and any action related to the said consultation. ” This is stated in the reference of the Council of Ministers on Monday in which it is reported that the Government has approved two agreements to appeal to the Constitutional Court Catalan law consultations and the decree of convocation, reports Europa Press. In both cases, the Cabinet argues that an autonomous community has no power to hold a referendum. Furthermore, challenging the decree of convocation claims its content carefully against the attribution of national sovereignty, which corresponds to the Spanish people, and in front of the indissoluble unity of the Spanish Nation, on the terms contained in Articles 1.2 and 2 of the Spanish Constitution

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