The Justice Minister Alberto Ruiz-Gallardón, presented yesterday afternoon announced his resignation and abandonment of the policy, after thirty years of career, “as a result” of the withdrawal of its reform of the abortion law made public by Mariano Rajoy. His departure has led to the first crisis of government, the president began to close after three hours with the appointment of his successor.
“I’m not at the moment the person to carry out the new form regulating abortion, “an excited Gallardón, who claimed not to be unauthorized, but has not been” able to comply with the order “. Rajoy had previously justified the “most sensible” decision to withdraw the reform due to lack of consensus on the draft Justice Minister to maintain the required parental consent for minors to have abortions.
Rajoy will “work for cohesion” to avoid presenting a new law “that when the change comes another government.” The president acknowledged that this is an issue that is divisive. The draft Gallardón removed the case concerning fetal malformations, except anomalies incompatible with life of the unborn and a psychic or physical risk to the mother would demonstrate.
Rajoy announced last Friday that he was going to withdraw the reform. It was then that he had “the certainty that it would not succeed” and he moved that was about to resign abandon all his positions in the Popular Party, which is part of a militant since age 18, when he was People’s Alliance, a training which came from the hand of his father and Manuel Fraga
Gallardón said he had a deadline to announce his departure. preparing resources that the Government submitted to the Constitutional Court against the law of consultations Catalan and the decree of convocation of 9 N, when you sign the President of the Generalitat, Artur Mas.
“No hard feelings”
The minister still he said over and over again to be no “hard feelings” without having “no reproach to do”, “to any fellow government, of course,” nor any leader of his party. “No member of the national leadership of the PP, never has he approached me to ask
“If that goal has not been achieved, do not look for responsibilities out, but I assume those responsibilities, “he said. He asked if I felt disowned by Rajoy, said: “More than unauthorized, I have not been able to comply with the order”
Ruiz-Gallardón and leave policy, which has been dedicated. thirty years, and where he began as a councilor in the city of Madrid in 1983 with only 25 years, but will not leave the militancy in the PP, whose president should “gratitude” and “loyalty” that “is and will be absolute.”
The last stage in the ministry has been the most controversial, opposed by much of the justice sector reforms, but has clarified that in politics “must be prepared” for loneliness. Gallardón asked “forgiveness” to members of the opposition.
The former mayor of Madrid and regional president deemed unnecessary “a critical look back.” “I think the PP project is so important that we have to support all” so that the “wrath” and “anger” are not within its script, which only understands “gratitude.”
Gallardón began the legislature being the minister best reviews and is occupying the penultimate position in the polls of the Center for Sociological Research and disqualified from the judicial career where his farewell welcome greeting.
His departure force second remodel after the departure of Miguel Arias Cañete. After forging his career in the PP as blank verse that came to aspire to succeed Aznar, now adds his second gear after leaving the mayor to enter the Executive within six months of his term. The extension of the underground metro and the M-30 made him the Pharaoh to Madrid.
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