Thursday, September 25, 2014 – 20.57 h
Throughout Thursday, after news that the Saturday be signed at the Palau de la Generalitat decree call query 9-N, have happened reactions the world of polítca and society Catalan . The Government Spanish was the first to react warning that the central executive will act “expeditiously” to “defend the Spaniards,” said the Deputy Prime Minister, Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría .
20.14 hours . The first secretary of PSC , Miquel Iceta , But it has replicated with query is not worth “the strength and cunning” but respect to “legality”. Iceta, which has thus answered in the words of Mas Golmés (Pla d’Urgell), added that unknown whether Pere Navarro , as a member of the Bureau of Parlament , has intend to go to the event on Saturday.
20.03 hours . The ‘president’ of the Generalitat, Artur More , criticized at the opening Thursday of the Fira de Sant Miquel Agrària Lleida has been slow EU to react to the Ukrainian crisis, and said to have “the feeling that this Europe It is more concerned with Scotland Ukraine , which is also curious. “
19.33 hours . The ANC and Òmnium Cultural convened for this Saturday at the Plaza Sant Jaume a mobilization of support for the convening of the query , according to ACN. The aim is to make visible the citizen consultation of November 9 support.
19.19 hours . MEPs of CiU, ERC, ICV, IU, PNV, and AGE Compromís requested in a letter to the Spanish President Mariano Rajoy , which allows the query on 9-N. The letter says the new Law “gives legal cover to the will of Parlament of a query is called by” that, according to these MEPs, supports the vast majority of Catalans.
18.21 hours . The leader of ERC Oriol Junqueras , on Saturday to attend signing of the decree convening the 9-N query by the ‘president’ of the Generalitat Artur Mas . Sources have confirmed to Efe ERC President of this party, Oriol Junqueras, has decided to accept the invitation to witness the act.
17.19 hours . The Catalan President, Artur Mas , has proclaimed Thursday during his speech at the City of Golmés ( Pla d’Urgell ) that “ David no beat Goliath for its strength but for its ability. ” The ‘president’ has also stated that faces the next day with courage, bravery, unafraid and especially with a good strategy, “the adversary is stronger than us,” he added.
17.06 hours . The chairman of the parliamentary group of CiU Jordi Turull , said on Catalunya Radio that Saturday’s election to sign the decree call query falls into the “absolutely normal”.
16.57 hours . The campaign ‘ Ara és l’hour ‘ and adds 25,000 volunteers for the great survey sponsored by the ANC and Òmnium . The initiative seeks volunteers –se these aims to reach 100.000– go all Catalunya hearing from citizens through the development of this macro survey. They have also released the questions, which in this case will be six of the survey.
16.41 hours . The ‘president’ Mas has been received this afternoon with cheers by about 50 people who were waiting at the gates of the City of Golmés (Pla d’Urgell). But thanked the host and has declared itself happy to accommodate your schedule in Lleida, according to Europa Press.
15.35. The deputy general secretary of CKD, Lluís Salvadó has been shown to please respond with “ disobedience “to the foreseeable legal suspension of the query , and pointed out that” if someone says they want to abide by the judgments of the Constitutional Court is not like the independence “. Salvadó indicated on Radio 4, ERC what you want is that the parties and the Catalan institutions “be obedient to the Catalan people” and that, conversely, have no problem in opting for “disobedience to twelve judges of Constitutional Court “.
15.13 hours . The spokesman for Ciutadans (C’s) in the Parlament Carina Mejias , considered that the anticipated suspension of law consultations and call the doctor’s 9-N by the Constitutional Court (TC) “uncover the Catalans cheating” the ‘president’ of the Generalitat , Artur More
15.06 hours . If the agenda of is not altered president Spanish, Mariano Rajoy , which is on a presidential trip to China , at the time of signing the decree is flying back to Spain.
15.01 hours . ERC has expressed “satisfaction” with the announcement of the signature of
14.47 hours . The Government will activate the campaign institutional on the consultation of 9-N after signing the decree of convocation on Saturday. The campaign will start immediately and will run until November 8, according to government sources have explained to Efe. The campaign already has more than 4,200 volunteers.
1435 hours . The ‘president’ of the Generalitat, Artur More , did not want the decree convening the query 9-N was signed Friday , not to match the appearance of the ‘expresident’ Jordi Pujol on the Parlament by regularizing accounts without your family had abroad, known as ‘case Pujol’ , according to Europa Press.
1420 hours . The Vice Government Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría has anuciado that the Spanish government will act “swiftly” and attend the Constitutional Court when publish the notice of inquiry. Santamaria said that “the machinery of Status was launched in defense of the Spanish and the rules of the game.”
1405 hours . The white book reports per Consell Assessor to Transició National (CATN) will be presented on Monday. The CATN, the advisory body of the Government to develop sovereigntist route sheet, held a meeting on Thursday in the Generalitat , which has been agreed that on Monday a white paper will be presented with all reports it has done to date.
13.59 hours . The full council of Barcelona on Wednesday approved a motion to support the query November 9 with the favorable votes of the groups that have been proposed, which are CiU, ERC and ICV-EUiA while PSC and PP voted against.
13.54 hours . The AMI has reported this morning that already 864 municipalities that support the 9-N query , this represents almost 88% of Catalan municipalities. For more detail, you can consult the map Catalan municipalities that support the sovereignist query.
13.48 hours . The president of the Parliament, Núria de Gispert , and all officers of the Catalan House have been invited by the ‘president’ Mas to attend the ceremony of signature of the decree convening the consultation as reports the ACN. The Catalan President has personally called Oriol Junqueras, Joan Herrera, David Fernandez and Jordi Turull to explain that signing the decree was made to the 10 am Saturday . Thus, the law of consultation and the decree will be published later in the OJGC.
13.38 hours . The PSOE defends the state to act “normally” before the 9-N and it is challenged. The spokesman of the Socialist Group in Congress, Antonio Hernando , recalled that his party has already secured support for the “challenge” by the Government decree of convocation.
13.20 . This morning the former prosecutor Chief Superior Court of Catalonia ( TSJC ) Jose Maria Mena has said that work in the office from 9-N will involve disqualification, told Catalunya Radio. Mena has argued that the law has been waived consultation, public officials and charges that may assist the inquiry will fall into a case of corruption.
12.25 . The ‘ president ‘ of Generalitat signed on Saturday the decree to convene the Catalans to the query independence next 9 November . Thus, Artur Mas exhausted within a week he won approval from the Query law last Friday in the Parlament . Thus, it is expected that the OJGC which is published Monday through Friday holidays- not approve this law in a Special Edition on Saturday September 27, 43 days ago the query of 9-N is held.
decisive for the future of Catalunya hours. The sovereignist process with the memory of the last Dyad very much, lives the most intense days of the refusal of the Spanish President Mariano Rajoy, the fiscal pact. Step by step predetermined script is met by the Government. Last Friday, the Parliament passed a law that seeks to provide consultation to consultation under the 9-N.
A consultation agreed by a large parliamentary majority on 12 December 2013 This day became known the Mas pact with ERC, ICV-EUiA and CUP for the query to be held on November 9, 2014 . He also knew it would be a double question : “Want Catalunya is a State?” and “If yes, do you want to be an independent state?”.
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