Friday, September 26, 2014

But Saturday is expected to sign the decree of 9-N – La Vanguardia

But Saturday is expected to sign the decree of 9-N – La Vanguardia

The President of the Government is expected to sign this Saturday the decree of call query November 9 , as has been told La Vanguardia . Artur Mas has insisted in recent days that he would sign a decree this week and has chosen to deplete self-imposed deadlines. Mas will initialed law queries for publication in the Official Gazette of the Generalitat de Catalunya and then sign the decree. In his first statement after learning of the date of signature, the Catalan president has defended the “cunning” as a value to a “stronger” adversary and has proclaimed that “David defeated Goliath not by force but by his ability.”

If the central government intends to use the law and the decree immediately, must convene a cabinet meeting on the Saturday, under the chairmanship of Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría, or Sunday, when Mariano Rajoy is already back from his official trip to China.

The Government has also ruled out an act of political relevance that involves call for the query match the appearance of the president of the Generalitat Jordi Pujol tomorrow afternoon in Parliament to give explanations for the hidden family accounts in Andorra.

The deadline for publishing the laws passed by the Parliament in the Official Gazette of the Generalitat de Catalunya is fifteen days and the average is between ten and eleven.

Once signed the decree will be put in place all the mechanisms provided in view of the query. It will start the campaign institutional diffusion and will start the electoral web. In the full Parliament next week to the members making up the commission of electoral control seven jurists and political scientists prestigious, highest supervisory responsible for ensuring the smooth running of the queries.

will be designated

More invites groups and the Bureau of Parliament

The news has announced chief executive Catalan parliamentary groups in favor of the query (ERC, ICV -EUiA CUP) through telephone conversation, a course that aims to fulfill the maxim of Mas not take a step in the process without informing or consulting the parties supporting him along the way.

But he invited the president of the Parliament, Núria Gispert to signing of the decree of convocation , who made partakers of the invitation to the members of the Bureau of the House who wish to attend. It also provides for the presence of the Government in full. But it has also communicated its decision to the leaders of ERC and ICV-EUiA, Oriol Junqueras and Joan Herrera , respectively, although they note that currently both formations kept the agenda They had planned for Saturday.

In fact, the act is still not official call, as it is pending to set the time for celebration, but it works with the anticipation that start at 10.30 am. However, the appointment conflicts with the agenda of the parties,

especially with the ERC, which had called for a national council on Saturday in Cardona. And is that the services of the Government spent several days working on the design of the measure, which will not be open to the public, and which could But a word to the present as an institutional statement.

Members of the Advisory Council for the National Transitional (CANT), advising the Catalan president in consultation sovereignty have come this morning to the Palau de la Generalitat, by the Vice President of the Government, Joana Ortega, in charge of preparations for consultation .

The Government activated the campaign after signing

The Government activated the institutional campaign on consultation of 9-N immediately after the entry into force the decree of convocation, and the executive will be in available volunteers who want to participate in the organization. Almost immediately institutional information campaign on the query is activated.

Before signing the decree on Saturday, the Vice President of the Government, Joana Ortega, head of the device query, keep one morning meeting with the “Voluntaris9n2014″ which, according to sources from the same organization, has already recruited about 4,200 volunteers who are available to the Government to participate in the 9-N.

Group The objective of this group is that the registered volunteers can work in coordination with the Government to accompany the organization or supply, for example, absence of officials at certain points or citizens who are chosen to be in the polls but not attend the event.

In any case, the campaign is scheduled to conventional media such as banners in the streets or television ads, radio and press, are used in addition to a specific website that will inform the content of the consultation and voting points, among others.

The CATN presented on Monday the White Paper

In addition, the Advisory Council for the National Transitional (CATN) intends to present a white paper on Monday about a possible independent Catalan state, which will combine the two dozen reports in recent months has made this organism.

The members of this council have today held a private meeting with Catalan president, Artur Mas, who explained them to convene consultation on Saturday, as declared to journalists to leave the meeting one of the members of the body, the journalist Pilar Rahola.

Another CATN members, sociologist Cardús Salvador, said he has seen the Catalan president “quiet” and “very secure and confident in himself,” and considered that Mas has the “ability to maintain party unity until the end “.


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