Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Sovereignism launch a municipal offense in favor of … – The Digital Voice (Cádiz)

Sovereignism launch a municipal offense in favor of … – The Digital Voice (Cádiz)

Some 600 municipalities, about two thirds of those in Catalonia and representing some five million people, approved this week in favor of motions consultation on 9 November and to express their sheer determination to cooperate with the Government of Catalonia in the celebration of the independence referendum. The first step to give the example was Barcelona.

As Artur Mas defoliated Daisy and decide what day it is more conducive to sign the decree convening the inquiry, expected this week, sovereignism showed his high support in the local terrain. Days after almost 80% of the Catalan Parliament approved the law consultations, municipalities demanded that individual freedom and the democratic process is guaranteed and pledged to provide the resources and tools needed to make the celebration of the query as possible.

According to one report of the Advisory Council for the National Transitional work of the consistory in the query can be twofold. For one, if you can arrange the Government, will provide logistical support in terms of facilities for polling, security with local police and the municipal register assignment; but also, if as expected, the Constitutional suspended the vote, municipalities and private entities of civil society could carry out consultation on their own without the support of the Generalitat.

Therefore, the municipal movement tried to send two messages to Madrid: the support of the majority view is that whatever happens from the legal point of view, has sovereignism resources to overcome the mess.

In any case, despite the broad municipal support, not all municipalities are willing to cooperate. Those who are governed by PP and PSC, as Badalona, ​​Castelldefels, L’Hospitalet de Llobregat, Terrassa or Cornella, which are the most populous of Catalonia, and have expressed their refusal to participate in the referendum logistics. Instead, Barcelona, ​​where more than 20% of the population of Catalonia, does support the consultation showed strong support yesterday and closed the president of the Generalitat.

By 21 votes for councilors CiU, Initiative, ERC and Joan Laporta, and 12 against the PSC and PP, Barcelona joined the call for the embodiment Consultant on November 9. “We must seize the international projection of Barcelona to explain the political process that we have started,” said the mayor, ‘convergent’ Xavier Trias. “We must all go together, institutions and all those people who want a better future for our country. Act with courage, intelligence and greater social cohesion, “he said. Trias provide the necessary resources for consultation, both infrastructure and data of citizens.

Since the PP replied that the inquiry is “an illegal referendum” and the law “contrary to law” consultations, so Trias may commit a breach of trust and the council must bear the consequences of supporting them.

The sovereignist nearly 600 mayors delivered Oct. 4 minutes to collect the feedback from the full President of the Generalitat, in a symbolic act that will “the greatest concentration of mayors Catalans of democracy “, according to the Association of Municipalities for Independence. The texts of motions will also be forwarded to the central government, the president of Congress, the Secretary General of the UN, the President of the European Commission and the EU Parliament, among other international organizations.

Convergence and Union

In full “decisive week” for the Catalan process in the words of Artur Mas, since the “coming days” will convene the inquiry and thereupon the Central Government it will challenge, Convergència announced it is in talks with the rave parties to secession, ERC basically, to start a campaign for 9 November. His idea is to emulate the “Yes, Scotland” and create a block of the forces for twice the state itself yes yes and yes to independence-with social secessionist entities, such as the Catalan National Assembly.

Convergència Unio invited to this block, but there will be waiting for the Democrats, who have not yet decided what to vote requested in consultation with its membership. Joined discards join the independence versus time and will not until you define your vote, decision taken when Mas convene consultation. The PSC, meanwhile, announced it would not participate in any campaign whether the Constitution, as expected, suspends the query.

As Mas sign the decree of the referendum, the Government have already launched a corporate campaign that will include a dedicated website and advertising material to explain the query.


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