Saturday, September 27, 2014

But the first ‘president’ to convene a consultation – Diario de Sevilla

But the first 'president' to convene a consultation – Diario de Sevilla

Artur Mas (Barcelona, ​​1956), the man who always claimed its staff beyond their mentor seal, Jordi Pujol, has become the first president of the Generalitat of Catalonia convening a consultation sovereignty in the current Spanish democratic period. But something else has signed the decree to convene a consultation on 9 November that the Spanish Government will challenge arguing that falls outside the constitutional framework. Probably also sealed the act by which the policy of twelve years who saw independence as a “utopia” Career judge. It was 2002 Jordi Pujol had appointed him as his heir and More was not yet widely known popularly. Many then ask: What about Artur Mas?

In fact this was the title of a book published that year, in which Mas said on the independence movement, “a political project for the 15 or 20% of our society is not best for the leadership position he wants Catalan nationalism “In this book-length interview, the young prodigy of CiU argued for the” plurinational Spain “as” the only possible in the future “and said that” an optimal way to get fit that would make viable a confederal structure “.

“I want to direct me to most of the country, and this majority is not today for independence” then -afirmaba Masson who opined that “a politician who is dedicated to making a very exciting speech to part of the population, also in the case of Catalonia is a minority (…) I think it is a politician who leads the country to a stage of frustration. ” Twelve years later, it is clear that much has evolved man speech now publicly defines the relationship between Catalonia and the rest of Spain in terms of “David and Goliath”.

act as the technocrat as I described at the beginning of his political career? Will the runner not the bottom fell out in the desert crossing the Tripartite or “black arrow” as he was nicknamed in his years of youth football? And that is when in early 2001 Jordi Pujol invested him as successor, But few would bet that the first president of the Government to convene thirteen years later a sovereigntist query.

caricatured in the nineties as a robot in comedy shows regional television and noted by critics as the result of “handpick” Pujol, Mas said and then looked over to substitute relay and paraphrasing his admired Kennedy saying that “the future is not a gift, it is an achievement.”

After being a “Malay drop” for then “Olympic” Mayor Pasqual Maragall in the city of Barcelona, ​​Mas entered the Government in 1995 when the then Minister of Public Works

resigned over a corruption which was later acquitted. Pujol moved bench and called him to warm up, but not before warning that they were going to shoot “to plant” the balcony. According to the book “Biography of a dolphin,” journalist Montse Novell, stopped short works of a home kitchen.

I was born a politician with longer stroke which augured his opponents. Works happened Economics and weight in the vicinity of CiU was getting bigger and bigger. Surrounded by a praetorian guard youth CDC, more than once wad deep into the succession race Pujol. And he won. Yes, always supported by Pujol, whose shadow chasing him since he confessed to the Treasury who hid money abroad. If your ascent to the pantheon of CiU was typical of the “black arrow”-from Minister in 1999 election poster of CiU in 2003 his arrival in 2010 was president Runner because the tripartite PSC, ERC and ICV EUiA slammed twice over.

The rest is known: victory in 2010, deals with the PPC in 2010-2011, the economic crisis cuts and claims, unsuccessfully, the fiscal pact to the Government of Mariano Rajoy. But the September 11, 2012 the script blows up. After a massive demonstration that the Catalan National Assembly has continued Dyad organized every since, Finalizes the legislature and passed the Fiscal Pact to request an “own state”.

To explore this new step forward elections seeking a “most outstanding” and after losing seats twelve, leaned on ERC’s mandate to hold a consultation sovereignty. Politicians and businessmen who treated him when he was a minister say that Mas has evolved since the contractual tradition of CiU to lead a cause which in 2002 considered numerically minority.

There were signs by 2012 Mas already voted for independence in 2011 in a non-binding referendum, and in July of that year, before the CDC youths, went to claim the “national transition “to” national liberation “in Catalonia. And it has gone a step further by appealing to the “right to choose.” If in 2002, everyone wondered what do you think Artur Mas ?, twelve years after the pertinent question is: What will you do now Artur Mas ?.


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