Thousands of people gathered Tuesday against the Catalan municipalities, from 19:00 pm to request the Constitutional Court to lift the suspension of the referendum called for November 9.
In the Plaza de Sant Jaume de Barcelona, five thousand people, according to local police, have focused despite the rain, and protested shouting “ want to vote ” to reject the suspension by the sovereigntist TC query.
With this protest, in which they have participated leaders CiU, ERC, ICV-EUiA CUP, also starts the campaign for a ‘yes ‘ independence under the slogan “Ara és l’Time” (Now is the time), driven by the Catalan National Congress (ANC) and Omnium Cultural pro-9N.
Banners and posters with stellate polls
In the same scenario where on Saturday the call for consultation by the president of the Generalitat, Artur Mas, was celebrated Tuesday have concentrated on the Plaza Sant Jaume several thousand people flags ‘estelades ‘-the independentista-, posters shaped urns and chants of “we want to vote”, “will vote” and “independence.”
In the event the Plaça de Sant Jaume, which started at 19 pm, were present presidents of the ANC, Carme Forcadell, and Omnium Cultural, Muriel Casals, and political leaders.
The event was attended , among others, the leader of ERC, Oriol Junqueras; the general coordinator of CDC, Josep Rull; EUiA general coordinator, Joan Josep Nuet; UDC leader and secretary of Universities of the Generalitat, Antoni Castellà; ICV coordinator, Joan Herrera, and the leader of the CUP Quim Arrufat.
Over the concentration in the Catalan capital, the actress Sílvia Bel read a Unit manifesto in support 9N , in which he criticized that “the State intends to mute the Catalan people” through a TC having, he said, “total dependence on the executive branch” and “disrespectful to the democratic rules.”
The event culminated with the deployment of a giant canvas for 9N Consultation and the music of “# of the Reapers”, anthem of Catalonia.
At the end of the demonstration, a hundred people with independence and CUP symbology has concentrated at the headquarters of the Delegation of the Government and, in protest, have cut Mallorca Street without incident.
Cries of independence in Girona
About 4,000 people according to the local police have also concentrated
The Square Vi, where the consistory Girona is located, has brought together some 3,000 demonstrators, who has joined nearly a thousand more who were in the nearby Pont de Pedra .
Representatives of the ANC and have led Òmnium concentration, which was read a manifesto for the query. The cries of independence have been unanimous after it has deployed a banner of the Mossos d’Esquadra in favor of secession.
The anthem of Catalonia has put an end to the protest in the director of the theater festival high season, Salvador Sunyer, proceeded to symbolically hang campaign posters of the query.
In numerous locations throughout the surrounding region have been produced before the consistoriales concentrations buildings ., such as that brought together about 150 people in Tossa de Mar
Concentration in Tarragona “Ara és l’Time”
More than 4,000 people, according to the organization, and 3500, according to city police have claimed before the City Council this afternoon that Tarragona 9N Consultation is held.
The rally started at seven o’clock this evening in the square Font and most people have come dressed in yellow shirt, the color of the “Ara és l’hour.”
So, have lined yellow streetlights located across from City Hall and also He has hung a ‘estelada’ (independence flag) giant in the facade.
Mobilization in Paeria Square Lleida
Lleida , more than 3,000 people gathered at the Paeria, according to organizers. These, mostly dressed in yellow shirts have launched slogans like “we want to vote”, “independence” and “Ros resignation,” referring to the mayor of Lleida, Angel Ros (PSC).
Lleida City Council discussed this morning in an extraordinary plenary session two motions presented by the PSC and CiU in favor of consulting 9N and the right to decide, but without a vote any of them under the suspension agreed by the TC.
The concentrates have filled completely Paeria Square and adjacent streets, as the Carrer Major, in a festive atmosphere that has developed smoothly and without rain.
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