The Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy, keep their pay frozen for the fourth year 78,185 euros in in 2015, while his ministers also receive fourth consecutive year 68,981 euros. Also freeze the pay of the King’s House, which will remain in the 7.78 million euros.
The bill of State Budget that the Government has introduced in Congress maintains unchanged salaries of senior Executive and high institutions.
In government, vice president Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría receive a total of 73,486 euros .
The budget of the King’s House freezes in the 7.78 million euros of All these quantities will be divided into twelve monthly and not entitled to overtime pay.
The most charged public office in 2015 will be the Chief Justice and the General Council of the Judiciary, Carlos Lesmes, who will have a fee of 130,152 euros .
Very close to that amount the president of the Constitutional Court is situated, Francisco Pérez de los Cobos, who charged 129,271 euros .
The salary of the members of the Judiciary will be 112,249 and that of the judges of the TC of 110,520 .
President of the Court of Auditors, Ramón Álvarez de Miranda, will receive 112,578; that of Marcos Peña, 85,004 euros, and President of the State Council, José Manuel Romay, 77,808 euros Economic and Social Council. Meanwhile, Secretaries of State charged 67,055 euros in salary and allowances.
For the first time in five years, no cuts for the King
Moreover, the budget of the King’s House 2015 freeze on this year and stay in euro 7,775,040 million . This is the first time in
In 2013, the budget of the King’s House stood first in a lower amount which had been receiving since 2006, always exceeded eight million euros.
This item each year PGE assigned to the Casa del Rey is finally serve the “support” of the Family and the Casa del Rey is the monarch and the responsible for distributing “free” this amount, as provided in Article 65.1 of the Constitution.
Philip VI will be responsible for distributing “free” budget No However, the PGE and T here are other items also contribute to the maintenance of the institution but assume different departments.
These budgets will be the first to distribute Felipe VI. It remains to be seen, therefore, if you enter changes to the deal that made his father, Don Juan Carlos, who charged this year a salary of 292,752 euros gross –the I had as monarch – while Don Philip Prince keeps his salary, exactly half that Don Juan Carlos, 146,375.50 euros.
Once approved PGE, the Zarzuela Palace published since the year 2011 distribution of its budget in the interests of greater transparency.
Less money for the Prime Minister
In addition, the budget chapter of the Ministry of the Presidency to the “Prime Minister” is EUR 37.3 million , 450,000 euros less than this year.
The highest point is the expenses staff (25.3 million) , and current expenditure on goods and services is nearly ten million.
In addition, the corresponding item is Prime Minister include 223,000 euros in funding to former heads of the Executive .
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