Monday, September 22, 2014

Churches aims to boost Ganemos in municipal – The World

Churches aims to boost Ganemos in municipal – The World

Pablo Iglesias has unveiled plans for the next elections with an eye to the general election. The leading advocates can support and integrate into local initiatives like Ganemos for the municipal elections while concur separately and with its own acronym in the elections.

an internal document on the political principles of the organization, Pablo Iglesias emphasizes the importance of the regional as the “second step” of a strategy to break in the strongest way in Congress back in November 2015.

“The regional elections should serve to show the strength of booming can demonstrate that what happened on May 25 was not incidental but the first notice of a step of political change,” says the draft, which will be debated and voted on by militants in the constituent assembly of the party.

In this plan, Iglesias warns that elections in 13 communities represent a “privileged space” to show their “strength” and to make the appointment in “an advance voting for political change in Spain.” However, it also leaves the door open to a possible convergence with other political parties if they choose the party base.

the moment, so want in local churches, in particular, appear under the brand win, driven by citizen and where IU has already shown the purpose of integrated platforms. After intense reflection within the current promoters, the conclusion is that we must “preserve the brand can” before the risks involved have a skid.

“You may not have to fight every race [electoral] not all in the same way”

The argument is that there Iglesias risks require the party to be ‘clever’, ‘cautious’ and’ responsible ‘because, says the document, “with two or three” elected officials who committed “improper actions”, these would become an “icon against can mark’ to try to “cast doubt” and “ballast” their growth up to the general, which stress that is their priority. “We need you to be responsible and not leave open flank that may weaken the most powerful political tool that exists today for the recovery of popular sovereignty” is alerted.

“We must lift your head and make a cold analysis’. The mark “has a reputation that can not risk contexts in strife and difficult to evaluate case by case.”

On the other hand, can recognize that municipal “arrive soon” for a party that is still being shaped and it will not be ready until November. Hence the “honestly and heartily ‘greet municipal initiatives as Ganemos. With the priority placed on the general election, the document says, “you may not have to fight every race [electoral] or all the same way.”

Circles not have the decision

The paper facing interesting reflections on strategy recognizes that there can be no nominations can in all municipalities of Spain and that any decision passed by minimizing risks and maximize opportunities.

What Churches and others responsible can have very clear is that the decision is not in every locality of the circles (territorial units), whom all the power to decide is removed if presented election or

not, as has happened, by the way, Torremolinos , where his electoral contest was announced.

“The decision can not depend on each circle, although constituting the core and the lifeblood of the organization,” he says. The decision, therefore, depends on the political leadership of the party and the final approval of all the Spanish militants.

Red Lines IU

In addition, the paper draws some important red lines for the configuration of these local coalitions. Any alliance never happens because there is a distribution of seats among the lists of parties forming the pact. Each application can only be established under the direct and open decision of the citizens. Read primaries with open lists. With this, basically is to say that there will be no balance of power between parties for the sake of adding an acronym for the coalition, a common practice in politics. Without going any further, and acts IU Catalonia ICV or Aragon CHA , where the spread ‘put out’.

“All positions on electoral lists must be open to be decided by the public. Otherwise it returns us to the old logic of agreements between parties, which often promotes less able to raise public confidence candidates “, says the draft on political principles.

With a we booming in intention voting and membership and a waning IU, ravaged by the can effect , one would expect the party names of Churches alcanzasen greater support in some open primaries, which hypothetically would relegate to IU token presence in the so-called output positions or positions more glue on those lists.

In this document, can greet “honestly and profusely” initiatives like the municipalists Ganemos but sets conditions to occur within that brand. They will only do those coalitions “comply strictly” with the “requirements of the new policy, transparency, regeneration, and the chances of victory and change” and this caution is not compatible with “a negotiation between parties.” “The candidates who want to play these practices the old politics He called Win or some other form of non-candidates to which our work and offer our support.”

So, can ‘can support’, he says, the lists’ connect with the political wave “generated after the elections, but warns that the” popular candidates and civic unity “can not be” spent on new “clothes” can not therefore be sums of acronyms. ” “Nor are candidates activists and policy-making aesthetic movements for themselves,” he adds.

In this regard, stresses that will support and be involved in initiatives in local government, “is called Win or otherwise” that meet the requirements of the new policy “with” our potential in the territory and national level. “


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