Monday, September 22, 2014

The loophole of ‘black chickpeas’ awake at Pablo Iglesias – Digital Journalist

The loophole of 'black chickpeas' awake at Pablo Iglesias – Digital Journalist

The paper by Pablo Iglesias and several people you trust as Iñigo Errejón, Bescansa Carolina, Juan Carlos and Luis Alegre Wallet, will be presented to the Citizens’ Assembly, which was launched last week and will end in November, which will mark a new phase can.

The project of Churches seeks, among other things, the danger afontar We can for municipal elections. An election that the media face looks suspiciously training considering that can is still very “green” to meet them.

Fear of Churches happens that a possible municipal candidates equal a “loophole “people who, later, would create problems can image. The document acknowledges that two or three black chickpeas in Spain annihilate strategy training.

is why I referred to in the document as a lesser evil is to support municipal initiatives that fall within similar to those principles can, as in the case of Ganemos.

In any

case, Iglesias has his sights set on the regional and, especially, in the general planned for 2015 then, as judged We can be mature enough.

For the moment, what is clear is that polls continue sailing for can. The ultimate barometer of Sixth released Monday puts the Church as a third option in voting intentions with 17.6%, well ahead of the 7.4% or 6.0% IU UPyD.

The data can lie quite close to the PSOE and 20%. The PP continues to lead with 29%.



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