Sunday, September 21, 2014

Artur Mas insists he will call the query in “the coming days” – The Paí (Spain)

Artur Mas insists he will call the query in "the coming days" – The Paí (Spain)

Artur Mas is involved in the ceremony commemorating the end of the War of Succession in 1714, in the castle Cardona. / Alejandro García (Efe)

The Catalan President, Artur Mas, yesterday tried to get the sovereigntist base a clear message to avoid the uncertainty hanging over the announcement of independence referendum begins to generate distrust her figure. According to his version of events, the days go by and still no consultation convened Nov. 9 should not disturb the sovereigntist ranks, but the central government. The consultation on the independence of Catalonia will be convened in “the coming days” and with political savvy, you can vote. The President of the Generalitat, in a call to the most impatient, said that the Catalans will decide his future as a “nation” is the “determination, firmness, skill and cunning.” And he pledged to use these values, especially the latter.

Political parties and outstanding part of Catalan society pending since Friday that Mas use the law of consultation adopted by the autonomous Parliament to fulfill its promise to hold a referendum. The president, however, is playing its cards to hinder the Government the necessary steps to suspend the voting once convened. The anticipation is growing, as witnessed in the act yesterday presided More in Cardona (Barcelona), commemorating the tercentenary of the population falling into the hands of the Bourbon troops. Cardona was defeated last bastion days after the fall of Barcelona, ​​an episode that took Mas extolling the “resistance” of the Catalans in difficult times like the present. An audience of hundreds of people, including dozens of journalists waited unsuccessfully clue about the call. But all he said was that everything goes ahead, without more, other than to emphasize that begins today “decisive week”, which convened consultation

Mayors of PSC against 9-N

Various PSC mayors of major cities in the metropolitan area of ​​Barcelona have denied the Generalitat their browsing support for the 9-N. The mayors say they will not pay the material and human resources vice president who requested them, Joana Ortega, or assigned the pattern for use as electoral roll.

Núria Marín, Mayor of L’Hospitalet (the second Catalan city in population) responded in writing that the request of the Government caused him “confusion, bewilderment and concern.” He also recalled that his greatest concern institutional collaboration lies not in the office, but to make a common front against the laws of the Government of PP laminating local farms or set a timetable for the Catalan government pay what he owes to the municipalities .

Balmón Antonio Mayor Cornellà corporate action and secretary of the PSC, also said he will not bow

local municipal or local police while the query is not legal and agreed. Meanwhile, asked Ortega, as the referendum will not be held, intended for social purposes the resources allocated to 9-N.

Also the mayors of the PP, as Xavier Garcia Albiol, Badalona (third Catalan town in population), or Castelldefels have denied any collaboration Ortega.

Aware of the great expectations that raise their interventions, also in international media, Mas tried to pedagogy of their plan. He insisted that the inquiry proposed fits within the Constitution and aims to question the Catalans so agreed. “Do not use the Constitution to silence the people of Catalonia” he said. “It’s not about skipping the legal, what it is is to use the legal frameworks that exist, so that the voice of a people who want to vote to express.” Thus he argued that the Catalan question is “purely political” and not legal. “In Madrid will have to end up seeing it,” he told attendees, including the leader of Republican Left, Oriol Junqueras was.

But secrecy is creating nervousness in the PP. The regional party leader in Catalonia, Alicia Sanchez-Camacho, asked the Catalan president “stop playing with the timing,” because he found it “unacceptable” that try to “condition” the central government.

Meanwhile, the leader of the PSOE, Pedro Sánchez, returned to lash PP and CiU, which he described as “guardians of the essence.” Before an audience delivered thousands of activists convened by the PSC on the Feast of the Rose, in Gava (Barcelona), he criticized both parties who dare “to say they are the true Spanish and Catalan, and it seems foolish to force us choice, we have to be one thing or another. “

PSOE Secretary General insisted that the federal reform proposed by his party is the solution to the fitting of Catalonia in Spain. He asked Mas “to comply with the law,” and reminded Mariano Rajoy “it is not enough to say no, no and no, it stops away from the shooter and take the bull by the horns.”

More forceful Miquel Iceta, first secretary of the PSC, who called Over “foolish” and Rajoy “coward” as opposed to the request on Saturday became the leader of the PSOE in Bilbao, when he called for “good sense” to the president of the Generalitat showed and “courage” the head of the central executive.

Sanchez pulled over the differences that separate him from the PSC, which advocates a legal and agreed referendum. Neither referred to the support of this party to the law of queries. Iceta did, to insist that is an element of public participation, but can not cover the referendum. “It’s like if you take off your driving license and want to fly a plane. No, you can not! “Proclaimed Iceta.

Coinciding with World Alzheimer’s Day, the two leaders had an emotional remembrance of Pasqual Maragall, president of the Generalitat, and to all patients , family and caregivers.


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