With the “cool head, warm heart, and feet on the ground.” Artur Mas , 129th President of the Generalitat , initialed yesterday with Decree 129/2014 which calls for the Catalans to vote November 9 on “the political future of Catalonia”. The ceremony was so solemn and sober. Just to complete the agreement signed last December between CiU, ERC, ICV-EUiA and CUP for which were located to see if the Catalans’ Catalunya Want a State? ” and, if so, whether “you want this state to be independent?”. A transcendental and call are unpredictable political consequences.
The Verge living Montserrat, outer office of the president of hanging his helm, was the venue chosen by Mas to sign a decree unprecedented. It remains to see if will be remembered, as will the pen Inoxcrom -brand Catalan-with which the president laid out his name in the decree, and is now in road History Museum of Catalunya. And also the image of the firm that ran like wildfire through the international press accompanied by the headline “Catalunya announces a referendum on independence”. The president of the Parliament, the Government in full, President of the Consell Assessor per the National Transició, Carles Viver Pi-Sunyer; President of the National Pact pel Dret Choice, Joan Rigol, and representatives of parties favorable to the consultation, with Oriol Junqueras noting on his back the burden of responsibility, and the wife of the president, Helena Rakosnik, exercised as witnesses exception. Just missing ICV, which rejected the invitation of president and prefers to keep a safe distance as he approaches the court battle and a complex internal debate on how to vote on the formation ecosocialista opens.
The signing of the decree is also the culmination of the institutional clash between the Government and the State. From the Gothic gallery Palau, Artur Mas said in an official statement the four maxims which defines the Catalan process. Extensive social majorities expressed with mass demonstrations in favor of the right to decide; and political consensus against those who “only united by their desire to deny, not to submit any project or alternative. But the president particularly stressed when highlighting the” constant search for dialogue. “With an eye toward Moncloa, said “we are open to compromise the conditions to enable the consultation to the last moment.” And took the opportunity to again make clear the Spanish against the British Government to highlight the difference between “democratic states talking and left speaking, they agree to vote, and using the law to listen to people and not to silence them. “
The other maximum to which the president is clinging respect to legal frameworks . The preamble to the decree of convocation of 9-N cites the exclusive jurisdiction of the Government in the field of popular consultations and statutory right of citizens to participate in public affairs. Hence, Article 2 of Decree remember
The text is the result of the armed reserve requirements for the legal services of the Government to meet the following process steps, beginning with the struggle in the Constitutional Court. The vice president of the Central Government, Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría, was commissioned to announce that the state machinery was set in motion to promote judicial review against the law and the decree. In the absence of Mariano Rajoy, on the plane back to Madrid from China, the vice president ordered the mandatory report to the State Council. Tomorrow there will be an extraordinary Council of Ministers to Rajoy may raise resources and also cite Constitutional exceptionally to admit admissible and agree to suspend the proceedings. Santamaria insisted that “the referendum will not take place because it is unconstitutional,” and defended the resources that the Government is responsible for protecting “the law, the rights of citizens and the validity of our democracy.” Beyond the legal message, accused Over “fracture the Catalan society, and Catalan divide them away from Europe.”
The president had tried to fight and that speech. He did it in his official statement and Castilian, to go “all Spanish citizens” and reaffirm the validity of the “bonds of brotherhood with the other peoples of Spain” in the construction of the Europe of the century “. A Defense of the consultation also released in English on the leaders of the EU, the Government informed that his new step.
But speech was the beginning of the campaign, institutional, the parties and the Catalan National Assemblea The aim is to go beyond the reach of the automatic stay Constitutional The president confirmed in an interview on TV3.. “suspended does not mean canceled” The Government wants to force a reasoned resolution. TC before before rethink the 9-N. A scenario that Mas avoided. did not even pronounce the word choices. Yeah called resilience, was willing to accept in person the necessary risks and made clear that “will end voting and voting on the question. ” “I can not go beyond,” he concluded. “We have written a page in history, but not the last.” And he warned that it is “everyone’s responsibility”.
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