Sunday, September 21, 2014

Mas announces the convening of the sovereigntist query for “the … –

Mas announces the convening of the sovereigntist query for "the … –

The President of the Catalan Generalitat, Artur Mas, has confirmed the delay in the notice of the convening of the sovereigntist consultation on 9 November, which rules do this weekend and still does not clear up questions of when signing the decree.

In a ceremony commemorating the end of the War of Succession held Sunday at the Castle of Cardona, Mas has said that the announcement of the referendum will be done “this week, in the next days” , without specifying details.

Do not use the Constitution to silence, but to let us talk In his speech, Mas has urged the President of the Central Government, Mariano Rajoy, a follow the example of the first British Prime Minister David Cameron, and above all be “democrat” allowing the Catalans vote.

In addition, the Catalan president has stated that he is the president of the Generalitat 129, so the Generalitat preceding the Spanish Constitution , and asked the government not to use the constitutional law to “silence the people of Catalonia.”

This has replied to the words of this Saturday’s Deputy Prime Minister Soraya Saenz de Santamaria, who said that Mas is the president of “all residents “in Catalonia, and it is because the Spanish Constitution” gives you that power “. In his speech, Mas has stated that “the democratic right is on our side” and has said that it is now necessary to act with “determination, strength, skill and cunning” in order that the

Catalans to vote. “ Do not use the Constitution to silence , but to let us talk,” he concluded.

The event, which Mas has been received with a ovation and cries of ‘President’ , was also attended by the President of the Parliament, Núria De Gispert; the Minister of the Presidency, Francesc Homs; ERC leader, Oriol Junqueras; the Parliament of the CiU, Jordi Turull, and the mayor of Cardona, Ferran Estruch (ERC).

Mas has also replicated the secretary general of the PSOE, Pedro Sanchez, the best way to show your love a people is respect and therefore, leave Vote , although he thanked his comments against other tougher messages.

“I appreciate comments like these. But if they are true, the best way to love a vote is to let people ,” he said during his speech. Sanchez, who on Sunday took part in Gava (Barcelona) in the Festa de la Rosa PSC launched Saturday from the Basque Country a message to the Catalans: “We tell the Catalans from Euskadi, from anywhere in Spain, they want, they want to live with them, that together we are stronger. “


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