The government just needed 24 hours to paralyze the referendum on the independence of Catalonia on 9 November. Just over 60 minutes was the Constitutional Court to pass by unanimously of the twelve members of the admissibility of the two appeals against the law of Government of Catalonia and consultations decree calling a referendum. With that decision both rules are suspended until the court ruling on the merits.
The court justified in a statement unusual speed that has dispatched the matter because it could “take its resolution” because it is aware of “the constitutional and political significance” it is for Spain and Catalonia raised legal dispute.
Accurate further that the admissibility of resources means that “in abeyance all resolutions or decisions issued pursuant to rule and decree appealed.” In short, are not only voting but suspended all acts accompanying , whether the institutional campaign to promote voting, acts to ask for a vote one way or the other, or issues administrative arrangements for organizing the referendum, as the constitution of tables, advertising space or choice of electoral board. A warning means that the prosecution will be vigilant to cease all activity related to the institutional referendum.
The suspension will be in effect for five months , after which the Constitution, if not resolved resources, extended or lifted. It is provided for in Article 161.2 of the Constitution. Now within two weeks open for affected parties to present arguments in the case of the law of consultation and 20 days in the decree.
The decision was taken in an emergency, but regular full, the presiding judge, Francisco Pérez de los Cobos, convened for 18:30. The judges were limited to verifying whether the two letters from the State Bar met the requirements to be accepted without considering the merits.
Mariano Rajoy said he had all ready to intervene as Artur Mas signed the decree calling for the vote and the facts proved. The answer came as a surprise to the Catalan Government, only caused some astonishment the speed of events -Artur Mas was surprised the “supersonic speed” court-. The Government was also prepared for a decision rather than advertised and has prepared its next legal move, present arguments against the court’s decision.
Rajoy now expects another flood of, as he put it, “pretty words” of Mas and sovereigntist forces to argue their right to vote on self-determination for Catalonia. But has never been nor will there be “real possibility” that the vote takes place , and also took care to emphasize the Prime Minister in his official statement after the Council of
The government has said its last word. Just left a minimum slit to talk , provided that the Government comply with the decision of the Constitutional, about what some interpreted as a vague allusion to reform Constitution and the 23 proposals to improve the self-government that led to the Moncloa But on his last visit. Some, granted, are “sensible”.
The chief executive is confident his victory in the game because, outside legal and constitutional reasons, is convinced that Catalan president will not jump to the bullfighter law by many pressures that receives ERC and sovereigntist movements. “I do not appreciate a different scenario to enforce the law Mas” said convinced. The belief of the PSOE. Ignoring the request of the court, held in the Executive, would be to miss the limited international credit demand has the sovereignty of Catalonia and bury the possibility of trading for generations.
Rajoy did not receive assurances about respecting the legal framework in his interview with Mas on July 30, but other partners Catalan president, without going any further the last two general secretaries of the PSOE, heard of his mouth respect legality . Of course it can also be interpreted as referring to the laws emanating from the Parliament of Catalonia. But that is not the impression that circulates in the Moncloa.
The Prime Minister would have buttoned constitutional debate on November 9 . The State Bar has studied carefully the path transited José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero with Ibarretxe plan to have resolved the substance of the appeals before the scheduled vote. This time, however, the calendar works against it are just 40 days to November 9 and in the Constitutional rhythms are not exactly giddy . Zapatero turned one July 17, 2008 law Query approved by the Basque Parliament to hold a referendum on 25 October on “the right to decide the Basque people” and on September 11 in 55 days, the court stated ” unconstitutional and void. ”
The process also can be seen in this shot slowed allegations it has announced that it will present the Government of Catalonia against the decision of the Constitutional.
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