12.48 concludes the press conference of Prime Minister.
12.47 Rajoy said that the first thing you say attend the TC. “From there we can talk about other things. The priority now is to defend the Constitution. And then we’ll talk in the future. “
12.46 Rajoy “I am open to dialogue. No contemplate something other than the president of the law meets the law “scenario.
12.46 Rajoy: “It is my duty to talk to Mas and any regional president. What is not going to talk about is breaking the law. “
12.45 Question Time begins.
12.44 Rajoy: “While I am president the law will be respected in its entirety. That all Catalans and other Spaniards are relaxed in that sense. “
12.43 Rajoy: “But sorry you called this query. It is against the law and divides the Catalans. The initiative can not, by its illegality, see the light. What’s worse is that I knew from the beginning. There is still time to right the ship and find a fruitful dialogue. “
12.42 Rajoy: “We have given a Constitution that has provided greater good time in our history of democracy. Our Constitution, the result of consensus, dialogue and generosity of all parties has allowed Catalonia to enjoy the highest level of self-government in all history. “
12.41 Rajoy:” They have taken unilateral decisions trying to reach a turning point and force the other to accept it without more »<. / span>
12.40 Rajoy: “The Government has maintained an open dialogue with the Generalitat. But the Government takes time to develop a policy of fait accompli. My position has been open, clear and firm. I have been willing to negotiate on the first day, but there has never been a real possibility. “
12.39 Rajoy: “You can not allow the will of a party deprived of their rights to the set. The law can be changed, but always through established channels. “
12.39 Rajoy: “The main task of the government is the law and enforce it. Without law there is no democracy or respect for the rights of citizens. “
12.39 Rajoy: “With this resource defend the validity of democratic law. The law is not a straitjacket, nor is it a restriction on freedom. The law guarantees equality of rights and freedoms of citizens. Ensuring the safety of all. “
12.38 Rajoy “The government is obliged to resort to defend the Constitution, which is as much as the resort in defense of freedom and the rights of Spanish ‘
12.37 Rajoy: “Nothing and no one can break the principle of sovereignty”
12.36 Rajoy: “It is a demagogic appeal appeal to something that sounds good: the right to be heard. The problem is that these arguments wielder in reality he is being deprived of that derechoa who really belongs: the Spanish people. The consultation is undemocratic “
12.34 Rajoy:” The consultation is directly contrary to our Constitution. The Spanish sovereignty resides in the people as a whole. “
12.34 Rajoy:” We met our obligation to bring an action against a query that seriously undermines the interests of the Spanish ‘
12.33 Rajoy: “The consultation intends to conduct is incompatible with the Spanish Constitution”
12.32 Rajoy remember that if the TC accepts the appeal, the query is automatically suspended.
12.32 Rajoy announced that the Government has appealed to the Constitutional Court the law of consultation and Catalan decree calling for consultation on 9 November.
12.30 Rajoy and appear before the media.
12.20 MARIANO Calleja The Cabinet meeting lasted almost two hours, so that has come close to meeting 12. have missed two ministers: Isabel García-Tejerina, owner of Agriculture and José Manuel Soria, Minister
11.51 The European Competition Commissioner and former secretary general of the PSOE Joaquín Almunia has criticized those who believe that the right to decide is that you can vote ‘when you want, about what you want and those who want “. “There are procedures for the Catalans to express their opinion, but you must follow the rules and procedures.”
11.45 The Secretary General of C’s, Matías Alonso , has warned on Monday the president of the Generalitat, Artur Mas, which is closer to being judged “by the ordinary courts that history.” “We call on the Catalan Democrats, to all citizens and the responsibility of public office for not participating in this farce.”
11.20 Rajoy’s appearance will take place after the meeting of the Council of Ministers that began at ten o’clock in the Palacio de la Moncloa.
11.17 The Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy , will give an official statement to 12.30
11.15 The Minister of Presidency and Government spokeswoman, Francesc Homs , said on Monday that although the Court Cons suspend the call and the Consultation Act as a precautionary measure, the Government will submit claims and work in organizing the 9-N. “We must ensure that preparatory acts by the Spanish Government are not used to act against our officers” –
11.12 PSOE spokesman in Congress, Antonio Hernando , was convinced that the president of the Generalitat, Artur Mas, abide by the order of the Constitutional Court when it occurs and suspend the process and therefore the 9-N query. “Here there is a train wreck or legitimacy, here what it is is the rule of law against a decision of the Government of Catalonia.”
11.09 CiU spokesman in Congress, Josep Antoni Duran , has claimed Monday the president of the Central Government, Mariano Rajoy, offering a proposal for Catalonia that can be put to the vote because” the problem will more aggravated even “if it is not voted on November 9.
10.40 The Permanent Commission of the State Council, composed of the president, José Manuel Romay Beccaria, and permanent directors yesterday unanimously approved the two favorable opinions to the filing of appeals before the TC.
10.05 At this time begins at the Moncloa Palace the extraordinary Cabinet convened by Mariano Rajoy to approve judicial review against the law of consultation and Catalan independence referendum announced by Artur Mas on November 9.
0855 The application, once it has received the approval of the extraordinary Council of Ministers and signed Rajoy, will be forwarded to the State Bar for presentation formally before the Constitutional Court. At the time in which the TC entertain the complaint admissible and suspension request, both law consultation independence referendum as a precautionary measure will be paralyzed for five months extendable is supported.
08.52 unconstitutional resources required for approval of the approval of a Council of Ministers and the signature of the Prime Minister, in this case, of Mariano Rajoy.
08.50 The extraordinary meeting was convened at 10 am. She will attend for the first time the new justice minister, Rafael Catala Polo, who takes office in the Palacio de la Zarzuela at 9 am.
08.42 The intention of the Executive is that resources are recorded as Monday. Since next week is not provided a full Constitutional Court, the President of the institution, Francisco Pérez de los Cobos , shall convene an extraordinary meeting to decide the admissibility of resources.
08.37 The State Council approved the report of the two resources to be sent to the Government on Sunday unanimously. The Executive Council requested this Saturday at the State prepare an opinion on the constitutionality issue and within 48 hours.
0830 The Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy , the Council of Ministers meets to promote two appeals of unconstitutionality against the law and against the Catalan consultations decree call for consultation on 9 November.
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