Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Rajoy resolve the government crisis in a few hours before heading to … – The País.com (Spain)

Rajoy resolve the government crisis in a few hours before heading to … – The País.com (Spain)

Rafael Catala Polo, new justice minister. / Bridge Pedro Hoyos (AP)

His first government crisis grabbed the chief executive yesterday, Mariano Rajoy, about to board a plane. The resolved within hours, before traveling to China, with the appointment last night by The Moncloa- -anunciado Rafael Catala Polo as Minister of Justice, a key department to the legal uncertainty raises the challenge sovereignty in Catalonia and the call consultation.

Until yesterday Secretary of State for Infrastructure, Transport and Housing, under the orders of the Minister of Development, Ana Pastor, Catala takes the witness Alberto Ruiz-Gallardón, who resigned over the lack consensus, domestic and social, on the reform of the abortion law. Rajoy and closed for the second time, with minimal retouching, a remodeling of his Cabinet.

The replacement of Miguel Arias Cañete at the forefront of Agriculture to a candidate for Europe took shape without trauma with a solution of continuity. The Chief Executive then chose a collaborator Cañete, Isabel García Tejerina. This is different for the reasons that forced the resignation of Gallardón high alert and the Executive to Mas plans.

Rajoy, who has repeatedly shown its commitment to end the term with the same ministers which began in 2011, was forced to act swiftly by the Catalan crisis and chose a very next leader to the Number two of the Executive, Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría.

Both Gallardón while appearing as various PP leaders insisted yesterday that this resignation will not affect the springs of the Executive to stop the route sheet sovereignty. Gallardón’s resignation will be effective tomorrow with its publication in the Official Gazette, while Catala take up his post next week after completing their official travel Felipe VI to New York to attend the general assembly Rajoy UN and China.

Meanwhile, the Government remains on alert for the next move of Mas. No word yet on what will be the call of the president of the Generalitat, but one of the last tasks of resigned Minister of Justice was precisely the development of resources that will be presented to the Constitutional Court against the Catalan law on consultation and against the call of referendum. Government legal gears are ready. Now would be a formal filing of appeals by the president and approved by the Council of Ministers before leaving the process of filing Cristobal

Montoro as head of government.

Gallardón’s resignation, communicated the Last week the president, is due to disagreements over a bill that never had consensus. “More than unauthorized feel I have not been able to fulfill the task given to me by the Government,” said Gallardón. The former mayor of Madrid was practically alone in the defense of his project, but he said yesterday that no one in the direction of the text PP questioned him in private. The announcement came hours after President confirmed the withdrawal of the draft, in an act that, relatively speaking, remember the end of José Luis Corcuera as Interior Minister Felipe González in the nineties for his law to public safety, or Manuel Pimentel as the Minister of Labour with José María Aznar as president years later.

The withdrawal of the reform, in any case, reflected the deep division that since its introduction last Christmas was installed in Government and PP from pictures. The party leadership pressed the minister to “invite him to come back to look at the draft.” A leader who never hid his rejection, the Deputy Celia Villalobos Congress, hailed the decision as a victory for the president. “He’s done what he had to do. It’s a win for Rajoy and for all. ” The president is now trying to emerge unscathed from this crisis, although authorized the processing of text in December 2013.

A Rajoy took that decision almost at the last year in office and shortly after European elections which pointed a remarkable fall of PP, which forced the government to rethink part of its legislative agenda. Starting with the abortion law, following the change in the election of mayors and the proposed pact with the PSOE regeneration.

The end of the political year before the general elections as representing the municipal elections and autonomic May, in which the PP mood and outlook for the next term play. On your right, there is no apparent options that compete in the polls and pick the upset by reversing the abortion. On the contrary, the PP was installed concerns about passing a bill that could mobilize votes from the left. For this reason, after the European elections, they began to worry about time. “Or in July or never” before summer became one of the most extended reflections in the majority party. Despite that, and despite the doubts of self María Dolores de Cospedal, general secretary of the Popular said it will not rule pending the final text of the standard. “Let’s wait for this government,” has been maintained. The Government did not submit it.


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