Friday, September 19, 2014

The Parliament adopted the law that aims to give consultations … – The World

The Parliament adopted the law that aims to give consultations … – The World

The Parliament ended yesterday challenging the legality Spanish began on December 19, 2012, when Artur Mas Oriol Junqueras and agreed on a road map that leads to the sovereignty referendum of November 9. The Catalan House passed the Enquiries Act, the instrument to summon, with the support of 78.5% of MPs, including the PSC . The Government has already announced that it will rule the Constitutional Court (TC) as it is released. But he signed the call “in the coming hours or days.”

While Alex Salmond appeared at Edinburgh to announce his resignation after the defeat of the other in the Scottish referendum, the Catalan Parliament met last consultation prior to the plan signed by CiU and ERC process. From now open several unknowns. When the law was published in the Official Journal of the Generalitat (OJGC)? When you sign the president’s decree calling And above all, what Mas made when the Government avail the initiative before the TC and it’s in abeyance?

Probably this will be the moment of greatest internal stress of the whole process: the president of the Generalitat and antagonized yesterday to hundreds of separatists who gathered at the gates of the House when he refused to commit to disobey the eventual veto of TC as ask ERC and ANC. “We will do what we can” simply said But just before the session started.

The Generalitat and the central government spent days fighting a war of nerves that originates on the calendar. Although Mariano Rajoy on alert his ministers to hold a sign as Mas extraordinary Council decree, the head of the Catalan government did not want to give any ease in that regard.

So the Vice President of the Government, Joana Ortega said after the debate without further concretions is already “all set to convene in the coming hours or days consultation November 9» . But convene consultation in the time between the publication of the law in the OJGC and the admissibility of the Government appeal by the TC, the full meets Tuesday.

PP and Ciutadans, only dissenters

The debate had some high points, but no party moved away from the position it had announced. The Inquiries Act went ahead with the votes of CiU, ERC, PSC, ICV and CUP, as well as former socialist critic Joan Ignasi Elena, who this week became deputy not assigned. In total, 106 support, compared with 28 votes against and who met Ciutadans PP.

The PSC joined consensus despite not supporting the query as you want convene Mas arguing that the law does not serve to raise the independence, but for other things. Actually, the Socialists sought to avoid and divide again in the House , as has happened on Wednesday, when deputies Marina Geli and Núria Ventura voted for a resolution supporting the 9-N.

Over the parliaments, parties supporting consultation November 9 asked the government to “respect” the Inquiries Act and not try to suspend it because they say means “a basic democratic instrument”. However, The Government has warned that it will take immediately the norm to TC because in his view it is “unconstitutional” , among other things because it challenges one of the precepts of the first article of the Constitution ” National sovereignty belongs to the Spanish people, from whom emanate the powers of the State. “

According to Rajoy has repeated on several occasions, the Executive understands that” national sovereignty can not be chopped, “and therefore the Parliament can not usurp powers on matters beyond their competence.

Law ‘fully constitutional’

Josep Rull, who spoke on behalf of CiU, alluded repeatedly like all who defended consulted the attitude of the British Government as opposed to the Spanish. And he ended by quoting Victor Hugo: “No army can stop an idea who’s time has come. That is why we are and will be unstoppable. “

While Gemma Calvet (ERC) was devoted to stress that the law is” fully constitutional “-despite only jurists Council for Statutory Guarantees given by CiU and ERC endorsed the normal, Dolors Camats (ICV) stated that the Catalans want to vote because “democracy without freedom is a sham” and Quim Arrufat (CUP) he apologized to “the rest of the Catalan State, not may exercise their right to vote ‘, for inclusion in the electoral body raised concerns that lawmakers chose to pull over.

The anti-referendum focused on criticizing the vote of the PSC and to emphasize that Inquiries Act is illegal. “Today is a sad day for democracy and for Spain. The law is a step forward but in his challenge unconstitutional and unfair, “said the leader of the PP, Alicia Sánchez-Camacho.


President Ciutadans, Albert Rivera, warned of “trauma” would mean for society consultation, and called PP and PSOE to “seduce” Catalonia and Spain.

After the vote, it happened that usually happens on the floor on days that several games considered historic. There were hugs between deputies were cheers looking Tribune , where, besides Rakosnik Helena, wife of Mas were Carme Forcadell (ANC) and Muriel Casals (Omnium) – and there were many tactics to go the street at the right heat for independence gathered at the door now.

Those protesters, convened by the ANC, had even installed a micro for the protagonists pronounce themselves. There Junqueras first approached, the leader of ERC was received with shouts of president, President- then finally Forcadell Mas.

Sánchez-Camacho and Rivera were nevertheless booed, and Miquel Iceta . PSC leader was dismissed with cries of ‘botifler’ (traitor). Before leaving, the congregation, who were armed with a banner reading 9N will vote and tens of independence flags, sang ‘Els Reapers’.


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