A judge has accused the Mayor of Alicante, Sonia Castedo (PP), for allegedly trying to please the builder Enrique Ortiz in the case in which alleged irregularities related to the processing of so-called Rabasa Plan are investigated, as reported Wednesday the Court Senior Justice of the Valencian Community (TSJCV).
According to the information, the Mayor of Alicante declared as imputed alleged graft and influence peddling on 27 November 10:00 hours at the head of the Court of Instruction No. 6 Alicante.
This is the second judicial investigation which is involved Castedo, as it is entered on a separate piece on the Brugal case alleged rigging of the General Urban Plan (Plan) to Alicante
Also, judge has charged four other people . the winner of this urban plan, businessman Enrique Ortiz , also accused in the part of Brugal Alicante- on General Plan, the Planning Manager, Sanus Enrique, an official of the Planning Department, Isabel Campos, and two other people.
The judge, you have waited to have the full report of the Unit for Economic Crime and Tax (UDEF) for citations, has asked the prosecutor whether any statement as defendants the former mayor of Alicante and predecessor Castedo, Luis Diaz Alperi , and autonomic exsecretaria Territory.
The case, which was based on a tapped wiretaps while investigating the Brugal case , involving Enrique Ortiz and several public office asking for your support to move forward with the macro of Rabasa Plan.
This was a complex which included the construction of more than 13,000 homes 4.2 million square feet, and agreed to build in April 2005 with the favorable vote of the government team, the PP and the PSOE as the main opposition group, and the only vote against EU.
It was precisely the complaint that expanded EUPV this case and made a separate piece of Brugal case , which is investigating alleged irregularities in the conduct of the General Plan for opening Urbana (Plan) to Alicante, to also search up the Rabasa Plan.
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