Friday, October 28, 2016

¡Viva Andalucía Libre and Republican! – DiarioDigitalRD


listening to Congress thanks to the Republican Left

Andalusia the forgotten. Andalusia, betrayed a thousand times by each and all of the members andalusian/as in the Congress of Deputies, by the partisan interests of the PSOE, PP, and now Citizens and we Can, has been the protagonist in the camera, not by any of the deputies present, nor by Diego Cañamero, what’s more, I want him to gritarlo, but do not leave him, hidden between the seats of we Can for Andalusia does not appear… has had to be thanks to a Catalan nationalist, Joan Tarda. The deputy of Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya, has been making the dream of hear loud and clear a ¡¡¡Viva Andalucía libre and Republican!!! for blush of all those who have come to the Congress, pledging to defend Andalusia.

On all the members of we Can Andalucia that cried out to be the saviors of Andalusia, the defenders of the andalucismo once disappeared the Partido Andalucista. So much that many former andalucistas fell prostrate before the song of the sirens abodes, happy and convinced that they were on the right path. That We would be visible to Andalusia in the Congress, that they would have their own group, that Andalusia would have prominence, and that we refused to do this, we were wrong.

We have done what coherent, what is, what is expected of a party state that boasts to be. Close above, to group everything in its ranks and close around the leader Pablo Iglesias. Coherence total and absolute, what I don’t understand is how those former andalucistas not what they saw, not what they wanted to see. Perhaps because he was not seeking the best to Andalusia or to the andalucismo, but looking not it is well known that prominence that it was clear they were not going to have. We knew all less them.

Always argued that nationalism only defends itself from nationalism. That there are no shortcuts possible. That only from the position of a nationalism that is clear, resounding, positioned next to the other nationalist can defend Andalusia and the andalusians. No one, not feel the feeling of being nationalist, they do not feel their belonging to a people, a Nation, can express and fight for those feelings. That I knew already, but the days that I had the honor of sharing with the brothers Catalan in their National Day of Catalunya on the 11th of September I left even more clear. Today, with the cry of liberty of Joan Tarda, has been enshrined such feeling, such expression.

This should be the wake-up call to those who still believe, who still think that the games statists have the solution to the problems of unemployment and poverty of the andalusian. The PSOE, or time We are going to move a finger for Andalusia beyond the rallies and street meetings to ask for the vote andalusian, to forget them the very next day and the next. Nationalism only resides in the hearts of the nationalists. Anyone who attempt to cheat from now on to the andalusians, and I hope that, all/as the andalusians sitting in the Congress with the vote of his people to drop the face of shame.

Thanks Joan Tarda i Coma, thanks to Joan Capdevila i Esteve, Thanks Esther Capella i Farré, Thanks Frances Xavier Eritja Ciuró, Thanks Teresa Jordà i Roura, Thank you Joan Olòriz Serra, Thanks Jordi Salvador i Duch, Thank you Ana Maria Surra Spadea, Thanks Gabriel Ruffian Rosemary… thanks to all/as and each of Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya to dignify today to the Republic of Andalusia and in the name of all andalusians and andalusian which we share with you a future in freedom and the republic of our nations.

¡visca catalunya lliure!
¡Viva Andalucía Libre!

Pedro Ignacio Altamirano

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