Monday, October 17, 2016

Manuela Carmena: ‘The development of the city imply that it is inclusive’ – The Universe

The mayor of Madrid Manuela Carmena speaks of the vision of the cities for a real sustainable development to participate in the Conference Habitat III.

What is the vision that Madrid will pose in this third international meeting on housing and sustainable development of the cities?
we Understand that the sustainable development implies that there is a inclusive development. It seems important to us to get lower rates of inequality in the city… We have inclusive programs aimed at making each neighborhood has characteristics that make you extraordinarily bright and desirable… Madrid is a great tourist attraction and tourism is important. We want to decentralize tourism, bring it to the neighborhoods and this is why we have taken investments. We also seek to improve the housing conditions of the people, the neighborhoods… We have generated participatory platforms that allow the ideas and the specific projects that you intend to may be subject to voting and the referendum.

The role of the current mayor has changed, since not only must think of the delivery of basic services, but in social development, economic, equity…
Clear. In the background it makes no sense to talk about water, light or cleaning if the situation is uneven. I believe that because mankind increasingly chooses more to the city as a settlement that suits him best, because it puts in evidence that for all the world to have the core services is the need for inclusivity, a situation of equality.

does This project of city Madrid is isolated or is part of an urban agenda in the country?
When we talk of sustainable development, the right to the city as it is not an attitude of a town hall. Each one can generate in a certain way, but more and more we are all accepting a platform of human development that is not questionable. With the rights of the city and the objectives of sustainable development, something similar happens to what happened with human rights: now nobody can raise any policy that you are back to human rights.

what cities are advancing at the same pace that advance societies?
sometimes, cities are going faster than societies… There are pioneers who throw away society and more resistant than it costs them to accept the changes, because sometimes they give priority to their own situations.

What has prevented advance more consistently towards inclusive cities equitable?
What prevents it is the corruption, and not understand that the governance has to be transparent and participatory. A long time has been governed from above and the municipalism wants is to decentralise and govern from the lower levels.

what The habitable zones who should be in the center of your planning?
To be human, of course. The human being individualized in addition. (I)


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