Monday, October 17, 2016

The 12 year old child who no longer has desire to live – Newspaper Socket

The World | Almeria.- Alexander is just a boy of 12 years, and I have no desire to live, mired in a deep depression since the beginning of course was beaten again in the institute, Rosa Navarro of Olula del Río (Almería) for a group of children who stalked since I was eight years old.

Immaculate Rivas, his mother, tears that since then Alexander, who has stopped going to class, “has fallen dramatically”, he lives locked in his room, suffers from insomnia, constant nightmares, barely eats, and is medicated with anti-anxiety and antidepressants.

The report of the psychiatrist, in which the child does not cease to mourn, come to warn of “risk autolytic” and consider that the minor may not attend the institute in its depressive state, “because of this situation of bullying.” And highlight their “feelings of helplessness and defencelessness”, as well as his “anxiety,” and its situation of “fragility and vulnerability”.

The mother also is very clear that your child not return to school while their pursuers to follow him, and until the department of Education of the Junta de Andalucía and the instituto acting once and for all firmly against the harassment at the centre, since, after learning of his case, two other mothers have been given to know the paths complaints for similar situations to their children in the same center, and even one of the victims was recorded when it was subjected to a savage sexual assault in the toilets of a local public -not the institute – on the part of the two companions of studies.

Immaculate conception explains to us what happened in the living room of your home. The walls are lined with family photographs, some from only months ago, in which appears an Alexander smiley, full of life and smart look, by much that when he was eight years old he diagnosed a mild intellectual disability. After the conversation with the parents, we know the child, which does not seem but the shadow of who was in those photographs. Alejandro has to be helped by his mother to walk, and it arrives very slowly, dragging the slippers down the aisle. Although we tend hand, his gaze seems lost in another world, and it is not even able to articulate a single word before hugging his mother, in search of protection.

The episodes of bullying against him started when he was diagnosed with his delay, and being met at the school Antonio Relaño, in the third grade. “First began to take school material, then came the attacks by this group of children, which over time have been able to be up to a fortnight, although the ringleaders are five,” explains Immaculate. As the harassment did not stop, he decided to rename the center to the 10 years, the College of Trina Rull, where had no problem. “There was terrific”.

however, last February, in the last school year, Alexander was found in the street with some of the bullies, who had undertaken “to kicks in the stomach and punched in the head”. Since then, he started to withdraw into himself, had a panic atrocious to go out to the street, and stopped playing tennis, which both liked. “After that assault began to say that he wanted to repeat the course in college, because I had a panic horrible to go to the institute, where I thought that I was expecting this gang”.

“When I was close to the end of the course, and before his imminent arrival at the institute, where they were already the bullies, the most a year older than him, began our fight, because I knew that could be repeated assaults”. Faced with this possibility, Immaculate, and her husband, Jesus, is met with the leaders of the institute and expressed their fears.

“they told Us not to preocupásemos, we ensured that they would be vigilant and would be avoided by all means contact my son with the bullies”.

The first day of class on First of THAT, Alexander was, like all his colleagues, a test contact, so that her guardian could get to know the students. What is what worries you the most at this moment?, he said one of the questions. He wrote: “The bullying, that they are re-meter with me, I insult and I to stick together”. Also warned, then, that he did not want “to be in the same class with me who insulted and beat him up”. In this test, the boy defines himself as shy, peaceful, quiet, responsible, hardworking, obedient and sociable.


But their fears were confirmed just two days later, when he was the victim of a first aggression in the gym. And the next day, in class, “was brutally beaten, this time by the leader of the bullies, he grabbed her neck and pushed him against the wall, causing a severe contracture of the lumbar and a cervical injury, and thanks to that one teacher was able to intervene.” Is more, Alexander told his parents in his class were three of the alleged perpetrators, despite the promises of the center’s directors.

once the principal of the school, Augustine Churches, “could not ensure that the bullies remained in the institute”, the Immaculate and Jesus decided that Alexander would not return to class. And in addition filed a complaint with the Civil Guard, and subsequently to the Ombudsman for children.

At the time that the officers took a statement, could not fail of being surprised when the child assaulted asked them, “am I bad?” One of their psychiatric reports also warns: “it feels bad, that’s why you’re stuck, and in addition the teachers do nothing.””Alejandro feels guilty, after having been so crushed,” says Immaculate, who cries out, desperate: “Can there be anything worse for a mother than to know that your son does not want to live?”

Her complaint was filed, even after made public, through The District News, a digital newspaper of the Almanzora almeria, two other mothers, they dared also to raise awareness of the harassment suffered by their children, and even alert that there are more children attacked and whose parents have not lodged complaints.

The three mothers have come together to the lawyer Juan Padilla, who now intends that the office of the Prosecutor reactivated the proceedings, which will bring new evidence, such as testimony of witnesses, photographs of the assault of these new cases, of great gravity, as has been seen by this newspaper, as well as the video of the brutal sexual assault of a victim for other children who are studying in the institute, and who has come to spread among the school through the social networks. In addition, the victim is now forced to meet every day with their attackers at the school.

The mothers are very harsh regarding the “passivity” demonstrated by Education and the institute before acts so serious. “We have suffered from an incompetence amazing, we feel helpless, desperate, because both the Board and the center have hardly done anything and have always tried to minimize the harassment, even we have come to say that in any case the problem was in our families”, says one of the mothers.

THE WORLD has been in contact with the institute, which has reported that it has activated the protocol for cases of harassment and have taken different measures with respect to the aggressors and attacked, as the expulsion for one month of one of the alleged harassers. The center’s directors estimate that they have put in place suitable procedures to highlight that it has been involved Inspection and, for the moment, do not think it is necessary that the assailants be brought to the center, unless a judge makes a restraining order, for example.

the lawyer of The families also be asked, precisely, is issued such an order against one of the attackers, since it says you already have 14 years. Also, will continue to require that the bully be transferred to another center. Juan Padilla, as its represented, declares that his intention is “to reach the final,” and asserts that “the protocols supposedly put in place by the centre have failed to all lights.”



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