Thursday, October 20, 2016

The mayor Barcelona will try not to return the bulls to the city – Terra Peru

The mayor of Barcelona, Ada Colau, has promised today to leave “no practical effect” the judgment of the Spanish Constitutional Court, which annulled the prohibition of the bullfights agreed by the government of the region of Catalonia in 2010.

Colau, which governs Barcelona to the front of a left-wing coalition, said he would do “everything possible to stop without any practical effects of the judgment” of the Constitutional Court, which was considered today that the prohibition of the executive Catalan had invaded powers of the state.

The mayor explained that the legal services take days to investigate the matter and that the municipal regulations that prevents infringe suffering to the animals this current, as well as reaffirmed the vocation antitaurina of the city.

The thread-the judgement of the Constitutional Court, the president of the Union of Breeders of fighting Bulls, the rancher, Carlos Núñez, showed their joy by the revocation of the ban of bullfighting in Catalonia and considered that “the freedom has been imposed on the unreasonable”.

“The world del toro will continue to work so that they can be held bullfights in that community and for fans to be able to re-attend a show at the legal, the toreros are able to exercise their profession, entrepreneurs are able to develop their professional activity, and the ranchers are able to deal with their bulls in Catalonia”, said in a statement.


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