Saturday, October 29, 2016

Spain: two magnets moroccan in prison to indoctrinate in favor of the… – Aurora

A Spanish judge sent to prison on two magnets moroccans arrested this week in the Ibiza island (Mediterranean sea), "proceedings of indoctrination" and "glorification" of the terrorist organization Islamic State (EI), which could influence half a hundred children were given class.

According to informed legal sources, the two magnets 31 and 35 years, stated before the judge of the Audiencia Nacional Eloy Velasco, who issued a provisional detention for them.

The judge considers that the facts of which they were accused were of "sufficient gravity" as to agree their imprisonment because they could enable "young people to join the terrorist organization Islamic State" and also believe that there may be a risk of absconding and repetition of crime.

In your self, Velasco says that the arrested-leader and the assistant of an islamic community on the balearic island-, work carried out "indoctrination and glorification" of the Islamic State both in their preaching, in conversations with members of your community, as in social networks, where hung videos of propaganda of the terrorist organization.

in Addition, according to legal sources, the magistrate took into account that the detainees gave religion classes to fifty boys over who owned a "descent intellectual" and which, therefore, could influence.

The two magnets are moroccans, were arrested in Ibiza in an operation that involved about 100 agents of the Guardia Civil.

According to the Ministry of the Interior after their arrests, those arrested began to increase their activity in the internet and social networks in 2012, coinciding with the phenomenon of the arab spring and the massive exodus of foreign fighters to join the ranks of the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq. EFE


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