Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Churches accuse the PSOE of being embarrassed if you support PP – Hispan TV (press Release)

The leader of we Can, Pablo Churches, attacked the PSOE for their possible abstention in the investiture of the candidate of the PP to the presidency of the Spanish Government.

The secretary-general of the party Spanish We accused on Monday the Spanish Socialist workers Party (PSOE) to be "an example of shame" if finally their leaders by their abstention in the session of the investiture of the president of the Government on functions, Spanish, Mariano Rajoy, delivered the power to the Popular Party (PP).

The words of the Churches are a clear reference to the statements of the president of the management company that runs the PSOE, Javier Fernandez, who said that his training is expected to abstain in favour of the investiture of the conservative candidate.

Churches were challenged by the socialists that they were looking ahead to their members and tell them clear that are intended to facilitate the arrival of Rajoy, the Spanish Presidency. In addition, he announced that the PSOE once you have abstained: "Sure, after that, they changed the discourse and are disguised as leftists", he said to his followers during an act against energy poverty which has been held in the Plaza 2 de Mayo, appointment in Madrid, the Spanish capital.

Sure, after that [the abstention in the endowment of Rajoy] change discourse and disguise themselves as leftists," said the leader of we Can, Pablo Churches in reference to the predictable support that will give the socialist party the conservative party.

Churches, likewise, recalled that his training argues that it is not so important to be left-wing or right-wing but to know what to side is one, and of course, he added that We claimed the necessity of being on the side of the people, that is to say in the street, in order to defend their social rights.

The leader of the training dwelling also said that he felt proud of the decision we Can after the elections of the 20 of December not to support the investiture of the former secretary general of the PSOE, Pedro Sánchez, as well as tended to have after the hand to the socialists, after the elections of 26 June, to form an alternative government to the popular.

In this scenario, Churches, allusion to past events that occurred in the socialist ranks that divided them, indicated that this training in the end resorted to a coup d’etat in the PSOE, "because they were podemizando too much."



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