Thursday, September 18, 2014

The Government, on alert to curb the sovereignty challenge – The World

The Government, on alert to curb the sovereignty challenge – The World

The Government is ready details, agenda and procedures for action. All members of the Executive are alerted to nip the process that you have to enable the Government to take the stretch legality of his path independence. On Saturday, predictably, will meet in an extraordinary Council of Ministers to turn the gear. In Moncloa were shredded from all the possibilities and all scenarios for weeks, and has “very accurate, exquisitely detailed” legal reports, which cover all scenarios and responses.

Just been stopped nothing pending improvisation because the goal of Mariano Rajoy is that the political and legal machinery to function with the accuracy of a clock to keep the challenge is consumed with the Constitution.

Do not leave a single loophole. That is the message that has transmitted the President who also desired, as explained in Presidency, that the arguments provided by the Ministry of Justice, the State Bar and the State Council are extremely thorough and well-reasoned order that hundreds of thousands of Catalans who opt for independence did not feel “insulted, or belittled.”

Yesterday, finally one of the last doubts as the government cleared when the Board of Spokesmen Parliament Catalonia , meeting at noon, remembered holding an extraordinary plenary session, Friday morning at 16:30, with the debate and approval of the bill as a single point queries on the order of day. Nothing should obscure this session and therefore chose not to add a second case at the meeting to vote on the creation of a commission of inquiry into the case Pujol.

A From there, all ministers are pending may call on Saturday from an extraordinary Council of Ministers to the Prime Minister authorize the presentation of two appeals to the Constitutional Court against the Act of consultations and the inevitable decree calling a referendum Artur Mas intends to hold on 9 November for the Catalans speak out for or against secession.

No houses doubt that the House of the Parliament will give the green light to the project law consultations tomorrow afternoon and then in Moncloa working on the belief that the president will sign immediately Mas decree calling a referendum. This could be published in an electronic edition of the Official Gazette of Catalonia on Saturday. From there, the machinery of the central government will be launched.

Council of Ministers of urgency

For Presidency working on a plan to celebrate passing the same Saturday an extraordinary Council of Ministers to authorize contesting Catalan law and decree. This would be a brief, pure formula, but must Council.

The decision to finds its legal basis in Article 161.2 of the Constitution, which states that “the Government may appeal to the Constitutional Court the provisions and resolutions adopted by the organs of the autonomous communities.”

For the highest offices of Moncloa have circulated several drafts of “extremely elaborate and detailed ‘resources, explain the sources, which have been drafted by the Ministry of Justice and the State Bar. The final texts will be profiled tomorrow night in the light of the wording of the law of queries. Several senior Presidency will oversee the finalization thereof.

Although it would only be necessary to challenge the law for all acts immediately derived from it-the first annul the decree convening the consulted, the Government has chosen to develop two separate resources to everything is “buttoned up without any cracks,” explained the source.

It will also be necessary to require a report to the State Council. The step is mandatory, but you say the highest government advisory body is not binding.

The Government claim reinforced emergency procedure, so that the document in its possession within 24 to 36 hours. President of the State Council, José Manuel Romay , and several directors are alerted for days and assumes that the report, expected to know the details of the law approved by the Parliament, is substantially complete.

Constitutional Appeal in

Once these steps are completed, the Executive would register their resources in the Constitutional Court on Monday. The agenda of the plenary session that begins Tuesday TC still fails, of course, the inclusion of this issue, but no one doubts that it would be introduced immediately to the 23 day challenge the Government supports admissible.

This implies an instant temporary suspension of the contested decision for a period not exceeding five months, although it could be extended until the High Court final judgment on the merits.

Rajoy is firm in his belief that this will suffice to waive Artur Mas holding consultation. The President of the Generalitat not kept before him would violate the law and the chief executive remains confident in his word. That is why from Moncloa refuse to venture, at least in public, scenarios that contemplate disobedience by the Generalitat.

Looking to Scotland

A waiting to see how events unfold in Moncloa continue today with utmost attention the independence referendum held in Scotland, aware that Catalan separatists have had so far, largely as a guide and example.

Yesterday, the Prime Minister did not hesitate to refer to it remembering that disintegration processes such as those intended to launch in Scotland and Catalonia are a “torpedo” at the waterline of the European Union that will bring ” dire consequences. “

The President asked this question on the Congress in the session control to the government, said that any territory that is part of a Member State of the EU if you decide to move away from it immediately loses its status as part of the Union. The consequences would be very serious and thus impoverishing.

Rajoy also reiterated that a process to try to re-enter the EU would be strewn with obstacles and would be very long and demanding. Of course, it would require the consent of all existing partners, which is not easy to harvest. In fact, the president came to note that Spain not provide “facilities” in the unlikely event that an independent Scotland decided to take the path to join as a new member country of the EU. And yet, he stressed that no member of the club frowns the path taken by Scotland and Catalonia.


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