Mariano Rajoy and Foreign Minister Jose Manuel Garcia-Margallo, at the Palace of Viana. / Bernardo Perez
The Government prepares an extraordinary Council of Ministers for the same weekend if the Government announces the independence consultation on Friday, immediately after the Catalan parliament approves law queries. The Executive has all ready waiting for you to move the president Artur Mas. If this changes his plans and delayed the announcement of the referendum thing, the Executive will act accordingly.
In La Moncloa, as always happens in the Catalan crisis subject to many unknowns and little information of what is moves in the world of Mas -a surprised Rajoy’s announcement date and the referendum question in December 2013- have prepared several scenarios, but in all cases there is a political decision on the merits: the response will be immediate, all Quick stop deadlines, to convey the message-not only in Spain but also abroad, in Europe the Executive controls the situation. The government wants to ensure that the independence referendum, the first to be summoned in the democratic history of Spain, has a life of only a few days, even hours.
The fastest deadlines that are handled in the Moncloa the Ministry of Justice and the State Bar, the main players in this operation, pass through an express call for consultation in Catalonia, which would be published in the official gazette, electronically, even on the Friday or Saturday. Then convene an extraordinary Council of Ministers, led by Mariano Rajoy, to approve one or two resources-this latter option more likely on Saturday or Sunday.
The texts are ready waiting the last fringes depending on what you can pass the Catalan Parliament and the Government, but the work of the State Bar is practically completed, according to the Government
If the ‘president’ signed a decree on Friday, Rajoy will contest Saturday
From there, and at full speed, the appeal to the Council of State would be sent, as is required for a ruling, if possible, that Monday. The goal would be that the Constitutional Court could study resources at its plenary session next week, starting on Tuesday. If admitted admissible in such full, as expected by the Executive, the query would have had a legal life of a few days, because it would be automatically suspended. In principle, this is possible, but it depends on the movements of the Generalitat and the State Council itself and the Constitutional bodies for which the Executive does not expect any resistance to even the fast deadlines you want.
If the law becomes effective consultation on Friday or Saturday and the Government decides to delay the formal announcement of the inquiry until Monday or Tuesday, the doubt whether the government is also making an extraordinary Council of Ministers only challenging the law, and perhaps another few days later to the query. No decisions made and everything is waiting Mas movements, but not the latter scenario is discarded. The political decision to fund is to provide an image of firmness and legal certainty, “serious country”, a term used much Rajoy.
If Mas decides to slightly delay their plans in this chess move between the two Governments, the Executive would have to adapt with an added political difficulty: Rajoy travels Tuesday night to China, and will not return to Spain until Saturday. It is a journey especially economic content repeatedly delayed for political reasons-the process of the High Court against the former leadership of the Chinese regime for genocide in Tibet, which led the Executive to change the law on universal justice, which led to his . file- and that the president does not want or can override
PP tries that the referendum has a legal life of Just a few days
Rajoy will not be as in the Council of Ministers on Friday and La Moncloa is important that the president is, even symbolically, when this decision is key the legislature.
In any case, if the paperwork is much accelerated, the president will most likely be out of Spain when the Constitutional take the key decision and the Government react. That is the decisive moment waiting for the Executive. Everything is practically writing with a difference, to the time the Constitutional stop the query. A partidir there, everything is unknown. The Executive remains convinced that Mas not draw the polls on the street, but still in doubt because the ERC pressure is very strong, with the Pujol case and a possible commission of background research.
Meanwhile, the Catalan government maintains absolute secrecy about the timetable to be followed after the adoption of the law no refrendarias query. Parliament formally convened an extraordinary plenary session yesterday for next Friday from 16.30 hours on that one point in the agenda.
The session is not expected to last beyond two hours because parliamentary groups must only explain their position and vote on amendments to the PSC and CUP to be rejected in all likelihood.
From the passage of the law, But you can already sign the decree call for consultation November 9 at any time.
The most likely scenario is that this section is produced the same Friday afternoon and that the law and the decree was published in an online edition of the Journal Official of the Government in the evening on the 19th That would allow the Government of Rajoy meet during the weekend to formally agree the filing of the relevant resources. against the law and against the decree
The presidency of the Generalitat keeps scrupulous jealousy when signing the decree will occur and in recent days has been speculated that it could be delayed until next Monday, but the most likely date being handled is Friday, which would coincide with plantes provided by La Moncloa.
From there, the legal services of the Government consider that there are two government resources. Which are brought before the Constitutional Court shall be issued against the Catalan Parliament and law admission has suspensive effect of the standard. Then there is a further appeal against the decree of convocation of the query.
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