Increasing clouds hanging on the consultation of self-determination that the Government wants to convene on November 9 no have made varying the Catalans majority opinion on the need for profound changes in relations between Catalonia and the rest of Spain. However, a majority rejects the path to convene a consultation of self-determination is not authorized by the Central Government or has been suspended by the Constitutional Court. 45% consider that in this case must comply with the judgment and negotiate a new call for the vote that will fit the legality and only 23% would support the consultation be held despite a possible suspension. Another 25% would prefer to find a solution that does not require consultation.
Catalan mostly ask scrupulous respect for the law after that in recent weeks the Catalan government and favorable to the query matches have disagreed openly about what action to take if, as it appears, the Government uses the call for self-determination and consultation of the Constitutional Court suspended. The Catalan President, Artur Mas, maintains that he will only make a legal consultation, but believes that this law is the law can give the Catalan consultation, which flatly reject the two major national parties. More is caught between those who demand absolute respect for the law and its partners Republican Left, calling ignore the possible suspension of voting and the polls out into the street.
The Metroscopia poll conducted for EL COUNTRY took place between 2 and 4 September, after heavy also contradictions within the Catalan government on whether the query is eventually calling. Only potential voters CiU and ERC is mostly supporters ignore the ruling of the Constitutional Court and hold consultation whatever happens. Comply with the judgment and negotiate a new query is a favorite of those who plan to vote PSC, PP, Initiative, we, PP and Ciutadans. Among the most favorable to look for an alternative that does not require a query are voters can (30%) and Initiative (29%). The sample size (1,000) prevents extrapolation less partisan vote intention.
In any case the new Catalan political course, which will open on Thursday with the acts of the National Day and the manifestation independence, begins with a slight increase in favor of finding a way for Catalonia that guarantees elderly and armored powers without declaring independence. This third way is called the favorite of 42% of Catalans, four points more than in the July survey. These four points are the same as losing the independence bloc, which remains at 27%. Proponents of maintaining the present order of things are stable with 19%
Source: Metroscopia
The survey reveals a growing divide within CiU. The independence option, which is unequivocally defended by the new management of CDC, seduce just 51% of voters. The rest rely mainly Catalonia remain part of Spain but with new skills and armor exclusively. The option of a third way is the majority among voters in PSC, ICV, and we Ciutadans. Only PP voters keep defending the current government system.
But one thing is the other desires and trust that is in them a reality. On the independence ERC only voters believe is a possible horizon in the not too distant future. Among voters CiU own opinions are divided almost halves. In the rest of the constituencies the prevailing opinion is that independence has little, or no, chance of becoming reality. Currently, the skeptical-pessimist option is seven points higher than last July points.
When it comes to finding a solution that does not involve consultation early elections are the favorite choice of all political families without exception. Two out of three Catalan support this option, although it is the ERC and voters who can ask for early elections in a higher proportion.
What I do is deeply divided the question of whether these elections should have character plebiscite, understanding this concept as the sovereigntist parties appearing within the same list. Only CiU and ERC voters see him favorably and 50% support. Supporters of other formations so strongly reject, reaching 94% in the case of Ciutadans.
The emergence of preferences can between Catalan electorate hurts all the established parties. However, it is the idea that who sets the policy rate in Catalonia is the leader of ERC, Oriol Junqueras lively. Today only voters CiU believe is the president of the Generalitat, Artur Mas, is the real pilot of the ship
The ‘case Pujol’ does hurt sovereignism
The sovereignist parties Catalan Convergence and Union beginning have tried from the outset to isolate the process called sovereignty of the storm which involved the confession of tax fraud made by former President of the Generalitat, Jordi Pujol. But in view of poll Metroscopia these attempts have been in vain. 54% of Catalans believed that this corruption case will adversely affect the political process for independence.
In fact, only those who declare themselves willing to vote Republican Left or CiU believe the case will a neutral effect. In all other constituencies the prevailing opinion is that the issue will have negative effects, a view that is especially predominant in PP voters and Ciutadans.
In some sectors of the Popular Party there is the conviction that the Pujol confession takes effect especially among those citizens who embraced independence recently, coinciding with the conversion of Jordi Pujol to the most sovereigntist thesis. Pending if this occurs it is true that a majority of Catalans in their environment considers the independence recently rooted. 71% believe that most of what independence is not long ago, a thesis that share voters of all parties with little variety.
The emergence of case Pujol on the first page of the policy agenda comes at a time when the feeling of concern for the future is greater than illusion. The concern is more widespread: 67% feel it says Catalans compared to 43% who identify more with a ilusionador feeling. While the dominant concern among votanes Initiative, we, ciutadans, PSC and PP, illusion is the majority sentiment among CiU and Republican Left.
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