The newly elected Secretary General Idoia Mendia, until today the Basque Socialist leader Patxi Lopez and Pedro Sanchez . / aldai alfredo (AP)
The secretary general of the PSOE, Pedro Sánchez, called for “good sense and courage to Artur Mas Mariano Rajoy” to the state crisis that has opened in Catalonia and reminded the Spaniards, provided that we have built, “we have done together . “In his speech to the Extraordinary Congress of the PSE-EE to replace the general secretary Patxi López, the first woman to hold that post in Euskadi, Idoia Mendia, has defended his proposal for a federal Spain.
“A Catalan we say, from the Basque Country, from Galicia and from Andalusia that you want and together we will make a federal Constitution.” Appealing to the heart, as in his recent speeches the Scots did British Prime Minister David Cameron, he asked his companions to say and defend “loud and clear” that what has made Spain, and what “our progress as a socialist and as a country” has always been walking hand in hand, “always together, united.”
In your opinion, either in Spain or in the UK “neither the immobility nor separatism have contributed nothing.” “I will say to the Catalans from anywhere in Spain, we want them, we want to live with them, that together we are stronger,” he said, concluding that also together “we will vote on a federal constitution,” a constitution that says ” yes to unity, diversity, the true being of Spain, a federal Spain. “
In a day of farewells and welcome the Basque socialism, Sanchez has not thrown on deaf ears last . Thanking and underline the role played by “and will continue” the PSE, which he referred to as the oldest Basque party, has praised the change of government and paradigm that involved the appointment of Patxi López as first lehendakari non-nationalist in Euskadi and social policies at that time were launched. But even then he recalled that it was thanks to the union of all wills made possible what seemed impossible the change.
“If it becomes the current lehendakari” Iñigo Urkullu has warned “it was clear” because “that Rajoy would do the same in the rest of Spain.” As has been reported, the Basque Socialists have “succeeded in stopping a Urkullu” in budget negotiations and its claims to “cut social benefits, scholarships, freeze all settlement grants and aid programs against unemployment.” Nor has omitted ask again the resignation of Minister Alberto Ruiz-Gallardón, deeming it “infamous” its proposed abortion law, he expects “locked up forever under four keys in a drawer.
In his speech Opening of the Extraordinary Congress has criticized the current cabinet Mariano Rajoy rules for an elite 10% of the Spaniards. “Rule of thumb” that form of government is the tax reform, the bailout of banks as they multiply evictions and approval of “indecent tax amnesties”, and pointed out that the tax reform causes families to pay “taxes 50 times” that large companies and 10 percent of the Spanish “much less” than 40 percent of taxpayers.
In addition, Rajoy has raised taxes “as indecent approves tax breaks to which has hosted some old friend who is now in prison.” So lets ninety percent of Spanish as cuts in health, education and dependency, “said. In his view, the “big change” Spain needs is that “those who are austere and were never cease to be those who have always had to be.”
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