Friday, September 19, 2014

Sanchez asks ‘courage and leadership’ Rajoy facing the crisis of … – The World

Sanchez asks 'courage and leadership' Rajoy facing the crisis of … – The World

The secretary general of the PSOE, Pedro Sánchez, today warned that Spain is experiencing a crisis of state in Catalonia and has asked the Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy, the courage to take the lead, according he said, he claimed the Spanish.

Sanchez has made these statements in an assessment of the referendum in Scotland in the headquarters of the PSOE, which has criticized Rajoy has distributed a “canned video” with his statement over the Scottish consultation.

“British Prime Minister appeared at seven o’clock before the media to assess the results of the referendum. did I live and direct, not through a TV plasma or canned videos, “said Sanchez.

According to the leader of the PSOE, the Scottish referendum result shows that the solution to these processes involves “building bridges, not create fronts” and even said that “the history and reality” Scotland and UK are “not comparable” to Catalonia, pointed out that yes you can draw some “political lessons” as a rejection of “the separation and stagnation.”

Self-Government versus stagnation

Hours before his statement Ferraz Sanchez said in an interview in the string Cope in the referendum on independence, the Scottish “have chosen the self” versus “paralysis” and against “secession”.

In his view, the victory of not is a good news for Scotland and across the EU because in democracy “you decide to stay together is good news.”

however, has warned that the referendum “be careful” because the vote “does not include the heterogeneity of the population.” In a referendum, has argued, “must choose between A and B and all who are A and B are not recognized.”

Lace Catalonia

So, the socialist leader has insisted that, in the case of Spain and Catalonia lace, what is needed is a constitutional reform vote all Spaniards.

has also said that perhaps the main lesson of the Scottish case for Spain is that you have to talk more about the benefits of union costs rupture.


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