Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Rushes calls for civil disobedience if the government vetoes … – La Vanguardia

Rushes calls for civil disobedience if the government vetoes … – La Vanguardia

The leader of ERC Oriol Junqueras , has not been shy to acknowledge his commitment to “ disobedience Civil “if the State vetoes the query to hold the referendum on 9-N no matter what and declare independence if the yes is erected as a winner. Speaking to Catalunya Radio, the independence leader has justified the need to hold consultation by popular mandate, “because more than 80% of people who say that you should go to vote,” and this project has the majority support of the Catalan parties and more than 3,000 institutions. He has also played down the opposition of the central government assuming that will do everything in its power to prevent the 9-N, however, has been challenged to continue with plans and resist the opposition of the Executive, ” What will they do, they shall take away the polls when the polls are full of people? “.

Speaking to Catalunya Radio, the leader of ERC has said it is” delighted “with the attitude of the leaders who participated in the consultation and agreement has defended the need to carry it out “or yes” even though the High Court suspended the law and call for consultations. In this sense, Junqueras commented that this opposition is taken for granted: “Someone thought it would be easy and that the Madrid government would do what it could to prevent ?. is obvious that the PP government will do everything possible to avoid we go to vote. ” However, he stressed the support of the people to resist the opposition: “If there are many people who will vote, (the query) is binding,” he ventured

So, civil disobedience is. in their plans to overcome the blockade by the central government, a disobedience “as did Martin Luther King”, has been compared, which is expected to ICV, because “we played a fundamental rights”, such as “happiness and freedom. ” Some fundamental rights “are above any consideration of a court of political appointment,” he criticized.


argued the need to declare independence “soon” because “no independence, ¿ how do you think that gestionaríamos this country? “he asked rhetorically. The leader has been identified as mainly secession as a way to “solve the problems of citizens” versus other methods or plans B, as elections expected. “We will make a statement independence with all our strength,” has been certified, and “there is no plan B because plan is independence.” According to the leader, “without it is impossible to help people,” so that “I wish we had enough strength to declare it now.”

willing to enter the Govern “right now” if the query is to shield

The Republican way is so clear that it is unwilling to skimp means to achieve the goal. In addition to civil disobedience in the political arena is willing to use tactics and enter the Government if necessary “If it is to shield the 9-N, we are ready to enter the Government now,” he assured.

In this way, the coach returns to put the ball into the roof of the Catalan Executive, who says he has never been a firm offer to form a government duet, since the support of the legislature was initialed on December 12. “They call us and we will be happy to help, because without 9-N is very difficult to continue with this process,” he challenged.

Gone are the scuffle with nationalist federation, starring this summer and with whom he wanted to settle any dispute. So Junqueras has ensured that its relations with CiU are now “excellent” and that “no one will start a bad word to my fellow travelers.”



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