Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Rajoy warns that the territories become independent “take … –

Rajoy warns that the territories become independent "take … –

The referendum held in Scotland on Thursday to decide if this territory is split in the UK, has opened the Government Panel session which was held Wednesday at the Congress of Deputies, making a parallelism with the Catalan independence movement. Deputy Aitor Esteban, the Parliamentary (EAJ-PNV) Vasco Group asked the Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy, the Scottish referendum and its consequences.

“If the Scottish referendum tomorrow on 18 wins” yes “, will the Government Scottish facilitate integration in the European Union ?” Asked the parliamentary PNV.

There are many differences between the process of Scotland and the events taking place here “It’s evidence, as outlined in treaties and so has it been shown more than once by the heads of the EU, if a part of a state is separated becomes a third party in relation to the European Community and does not apply any of the bitterest of Union “recalled Rajoy, who acknowledged that” yes, it can be integrated upon request “but warned that ” a process that can take years, in the case of Spain opens were eight ‘.

In addition, the Prime Minister claimed that he has spoken “with representatives of the 28 EU states” and ahead to “ not show much enthusiasm for these processes, because they are bad for the EU. “

For the drawbacks of Rajoy on the membership of Scotland to the EU after its purported secession asked” Let’s have citizens who have become European just because democratically want to be independent? It is not a democratic stance “and invited Mariano Rajoy to be” democratic “and act as” British Unionist “as made by the British Prime Minister David Cameron, who praised the Basque deputy allow consultation in Scotland.

Rajoy responded saying that “ there are many differences between Scotland and process the events that are happening here , among others because Scotland does not have the powers to the Basque Country and Catalonia have here “and stressed that” the most important argument is that these processes are a torpedo in the water line of the EU, which has been created to integrate states. We need strong unions to meet the challenges, “ended.

Later, the deputy Pere Macias, the Catalan Parliamentary Group (CiU) asked the Deputy Prime Minister what conclusions extracted the Government the demonstration in Barcelona on September 11 , during the National Day. Vice President was limited to ensure that respected the right to protest and express citizens.

Macias replied drawing a parallel between the position of the British Government and the Spanish, who in their opinion is determined to prohibit consultation and invited her to “not miss the opportunity to discuss, reason and settle in the polls legitimate differences. “

The Vice President recalled that” autodeterinación the right is not a right laid down in our Constitution and if any party or citizen wants to change this constitution must respect democratic processes. ” He also recalled that Spain is one of the most decentralized states in the world and invited the Catalans continue “fighting together” by the growth of Spain.

Deputy Mikel Errekondo, Amaiur, insisted on the subject, asking the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, José Manuel García Margallo, “What does the government feel about the democratic exercise that the Scottish people held on September 18?”. The minister recalled that Margallo Catalan and Basque aspirations for independence have “beaten” with the Spanish situation and the Scottish referendum will only take after authorize the Parliament of the United Kingdom. “The secession of Scotland would be bad for Scotland, for the European Union and the UK”, claimed Margallo.

For the deputy Amaiur Margallo arguments were just “excuses” and ensured that there is a parallel with the Scottish people as “the Basque Country and Catalonia were nations that were conquered with fire and sword” and that his fate should be decided only by its citizens.


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