Monday, September 15, 2014

Pujol Junior tries to “save” the government of his father in court – The Reason

Pujol Junior tries to "save" the government of his father in court – The Reason

arrived at half past nine, 30 minutes before the scheduled time for the start of his speech before the National Court Judge Pablo Ruz. He did ride, accompanied by his lawyer, Christopher Martel. Jordi Pujol Ferrusola began a long morning which lasted for five hours, which was subjected to an intense and thorough history of their income from the “mediation” in various business operations and the movement of suspicious-cash identified by the Central Unit Research and Economic Crime Prosecutor (UDEF). At 10:40 hours began his statement in an office on the sixth floor of the National Court, where Judge Ruz, fiscal Lieutenant Anticorruption Bethlehem Suarez, a representative of the State Bar and the attorney Alberto Carrillo were defender of his ex-wife, Mercé Gironés, who also testified yesterday. Pujol Ferrusola and ex-wife were released without precautionary measure, ie, without bail, without removal of passport without regular appearances in court.

The statement continued until after two-thirty in the Later, with just five minutes of rest. Four of the five hours of interrogation were questioned by the judge and ‘comprehensive’ responses Ferrusola Pujol, who came as a defendant on charges of money laundering and against the Treasury.

The “hereu ‘influenced one and again that all sums of money gained through their companies were for work done and never as ‘commissions’ concessions being awarded to their clients or to receive any “profit” for his “influence”.

In fact, said the awards by the Government to companies which, according to the report UDEF received over eight million medium and occurred two years after her father left the Catalan Executive 2003– -17 December, when the tripartite ruling -PSC, ERC and IU and much of the Catalan municipalities were governed by the Socialists. Thus, it dissociated itself from any hint of irregularity on those charges, and at the time, “exonerated” the Government presided over his father for two decades.

This thesis was confirmed by the law firm that defends both Pujol Ferrusola as his ex-wife: “The court has made a thorough and accurate examination, receiving extensive and specific than a decade of business and investment activity explanations, without the political connections of the Government of Catalonia» <. / p>

Instead, the judge finds that there are indications that support the opposite. Left him already stated in its resolution of February 17, in a car in which he addressed 17 construction companies and services that “directly or indirectly” stated “income from various public bodies in Catalonia ‘for detailing the nature services they would have received for payments in bank accounts five companies owned by Pujol Ferrusola and his wife.

On the confession of his father that had significant amounts of money in accounts at a bank in Andorra , no explanation and took advantage of their constitutional right not to testify. No word on the source of that money, if you really had its origin in the inheritance that allegedly received the former President of the Generalitat of his father. Not a thing that could clarify this issue, on which Judge Ruz is due to receive data from the letters rogatory relayed to authorities of the Principality, but the judge in charge of execution of the request and warned that the bank details could be used only if the offense of money laundering or tax have ties to corruption as bribery or influence peddling.

At the end of his statement, none of the accusing parties -Ministry Attorney and Advocacy requested the imposition of the state some precautionary measures. Finally, he left the headquarters of the National Court in the same vehicle in which he arrived, ie taxi.

A report by the Tax Agency in March, Pujol Ferrusola conducted between March 2004 and November 2012 a total of 118 bank transactions totaling 118 million euros that banks had their destination in 13 countries, some tax havens such as the Cayman Islands or Liechtenstein.

No charged fees

He assured that all income derived from work actually performed for different companies, but never commissions to try affect subsequent awards.

Adjudications by the tripartite

“Without a policy to Govern de Catalunya connection” and less with which presided over its father. In fact, he said that public awards to companies that served the awarded the Government of the tripartite.

Silence on inheritance

As his former wife, Mercé Gironés, refused to testify about the money that former President Jordi Pujol admitted kept hidden for 30 years in Andorra and, he said, came from the estate of his father.

Today is scheduled to testify before Judge Isabel Cristina Ruz Cotorruelo Francis, who appears as a member of Ferrusola Pujol and his ex-wife in one of his companies, namely, that of Marketing Project Cat. Cotorruelo is cited as a witness, so he will not be assisted by counsel and shall be obliged to answer the truth of what you ask. The society listed as a partner, as recorded in the Commercial Register, whose corporate purpose ‘property operations in general, both rustic and urban and exploitation’ and the ‘sale, management and operation of real estate values ​​”and the ‘studies and market surveys. ” Among other amounts received by the company include, according to a report last month UDEF June, 154,000 euros for providing “consulting services by Jordi Pujol Ferrusola, relating to prospecting and eventual implementation in Mexico of society EMTE, SA, or any of its subsidiaries, in the field of information systems and technology. “


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