PP spokesman in Congress, Alfonso Alonso, has insisted that the government continues to work in the development of reform Law of Abortion and “no news” as have other members of the Government moved in several public statements this week, while it has warned that anyone attempting to fracture the party will fail as, in his opinion, has already happened this issue during this term.
Alonso has thus manifested asked in the press conference following the meeting of the Board of Spokesmen on Tuesdays in the Congress of Deputies.
About the voices that point to a possible resignation of Justice Minister Alberto Ruiz-Gallardón, if the new regulation does not go ahead, Alonso said input is “journalistic hypothesis” for which no plan review, but has warned that Rajoy promised citizens a “strong and stable” government and is responsible for it and its parliamentary group meeting these principles.
“I think that’s the key that we may enter into a recovery phase and we can mean an institutional guarantee for the country. These are the values of PP, strength and stability, and that is the responsibility of the government and the parliamentary group, “he insisted
After know this weekend various statements by some MPs calling PP Rajoy “espabilase” and “betray” their voters to meter ‘in the drawer’ abortion reform, Alonso has been questioned about what the opinion generally within its parliamentary group and has repeatedly stated that despite attempts to divide the opposition party to reform, they will not get.
“Anyone try again fail because we are aware of our responsibility and the factor of political stability we mean, and that are clear all the deputies and parliamentary group is diverse and reflects the Spanish society may have many opinions. This group will not be divided “, he remarked.
When questioned again whether it be convenient that the law go ahead despite the lack of consensus within the parliamentary group, spokesman for the ‘popular’ has remarked that the PP has a majority and the government has taken the “bold initiative” to amend this regulation “listening to what is said on the street and trying to make them as effective and best possible”.
As to whether the bill will finally come to the House, Alonso has detailed that the bill “has been subjected to various reports” , while stressed that government efforts are focused on “trying to find the text that receives the maximum consensus.”
Asked for his view of the need to reform the former socialist legislation, the PP spokesman in Congress has remarked that the ‘popular’ government decided to change the Abortion Act Bibiana Aido driven because it has “very negative elements.” “So there is a draft and thereafter the Government continues to work,” he ruled.
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