The Foreign Minister Jose Manuel Garcia-Margallo, has become the first member of the Government has admitted the possibility of applying the Article 155 of the Constitution , which pushed to its extreme, imply the suspension of Catalan autonomy, if the sovereignty challenge is tensioned to a breaking point facing down the law with holding a consultation on 9 November, which does not fit the Magna Carta.
“The Government will use all means at its disposal, absolutely everyone, including all that have to be included to avoid consultation,” said the minister referring to Article 155 of the Constitution when it is asked about the hypothetical application the same.
“Only the law, but the whole law,” stressed the foreign minister during a breakfast briefing organized by the Forum Europa Press in Madrid. Before the minister only the government delegate Cristina Cifuentes had suggested this possibility. It did yesterday in an interview. Cifuentes said the dip of that article of the Constitution should be a last option, the least desirable, but he insisted. “There it is”
Margallo said that “the division of a Member State European Union would be a terrible precedent “for a Europe that is based on the principle of maintaining territorial integrity. In this regard, he pointed out that a victory for itself in the Scottish referendum next Thursday would be “very bad” for Spain, for UK and to the Union itself.
In your opinion, which coincides with the beginning of United Nations , or Scotland or Catalonia any of the cases that support process is given self-determination. Furthermore, in the Catalan case “there are clear lines that can not be franking”. And he said:. “Unity of Spain and legality”
It was then when questioned about the possibility of having to activate Article 155 of the Constitution to curb the independence process undertaken by Artur Mas and its allies Margallo said that the Government will use all means at its disposal to ensure that the consultation does not take place, “including everything need to be included.”
The minister, however, believes that “in politics there are no irreversible situations” and noted that “the Constitution and the laws in your hand everything is possible.” Lastly, he appealed to the sovereignist forces that has asked not to forget that “the Spaniards, all Spaniards, own every square inch of the country.”
Later, in Congress , has been ratified Margallo said before the Europa Press Forum, stating that “everything is possible that is within the law and anything that is outside the law.”
When asked about the words of the spokesman for the PNV, Aitor Esteban , whether the Government contemplated sending tanks to Catalonia Margacho said: “That is not in the Constitution. “
- .” 1 If an Autonomous Community does not fulfill its obligations under the Constitution or other laws imposed upon it, or acts in a way that seriously prejudicial to the general interests of Spain, the Government, prior notification of the President of the Autonomous Community and, if not addressed, with the approval by a majority of the Senate, adopt the necessary measures to compel latter forcibly to meet such obligations or for the protection of that public interest. 2 For the implementation of the measures provided in the preceding paragraph, the Government may issue instructions to all the authorities of the Autonomous Communities. “
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