Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Bottle throws in the towel Madrid Arena hampered by the failure of the … – 20minutos.es

Bottle throws in the towel Madrid Arena hampered by the failure of the … – 20minutos.es

Ana Botella

Ana Botella, during a press conference in the city of Madrid. (Juan Carlos Hidalgo / EFE)

Restless mandate Ana Botella in front of the City of Madrid had left few options to stand as a candidate for reelection. After three years running the city from the Palacio de Cibeles, Madrid Mayor abandons the race. His party has forced him to retire, considering that their aspirations of retaining office are weighted with the unpopularity of their actions, failure in crisis management as the Madrid Arena, the disappointment of the 2020 Olympics and the deterioration in the maintenance of the city, with complaints about the dirt in the streets and a number of fatal accidents by falling branches.

internal surveys that handles PP Bottle conclude that if opt for re-election in jeopardy mayor of Madrid for the PP, according to party sources. All this has led Mariano Rajoy forced her to resign. Apparently, Ana Botella had decided “months ago” does not concur in the election, a decision that only his family knew and had announced in early September the Prime Minister and the PP, as sources have said his team.

Mayor Bounce

Ana Botella took office as mayor in December 2011 Bottle came into office without being chosen by the locals as head of the list, prompting early reviews of its mandate. In the municipal elections of 2011, introduced PP Alberto Ruiz-Gallardón for mayor Ana Botella and like second in the list as . Gallardón was elected, but the seven short months left the capital to join the Government of Rajoy as justice minister. Thus, the baton passed automatically Botella, who took office as mayor in December 2011.

The tragedy of Arena

Avalanche In Arena pavilion Madrid (city-owned), with five dead girls on Halloween night 2012, marked the turning point in the mandate of bottle. Until then there had been no major surprises in the city, but tragedy and mistakes in managing the crisis triggered an earthquake that forced reshape the city government team up to three times. During the crisis he went on vacation to a resort in Portugal and when he returned offered little explanation. In the months after his deputy left the City Council, Miguel Ángel Villanueva ;

Councillor for Economy, Pedro Calvo ; and Safety and Environment, Antonio de Guindos . The last to leave office has been the head of the Municipal Police, accused by the judge.

Games Disappointment

Ana Botella was convinced that Madrid would be chosen as the host city for the 2020 Olympic Games even trust this choice as a lever to relaunch his battered image . However, once again the capital was disappointed when the International Olympic Committee selected Tokyo instead of Madrid. With this decision, lost the last trick bottle was left to qualify for re-election as mayor. He was also teased because of the level of English demonstrated in the speech defending the application (when he uttered the now famous ‘relaxing cup of coffee with milk’).

Garbage strikes, lighting and bus

Budget cuts initiated Gallardón have exploded in the years of bottle In these three years The utility workers have risen repeatedly against cuts favored by the city of Madrid. The most striking result was the cleaning that left streets littered Madrid for 13 days in November 2013 In this crisis, the City Council put profile and let the negotiation in the hands of the winning companies, which encystment caused the conflict. You have also mounted strikes or stoppages of workers EMT buses (for cuts in service), the lighting (by the threat of layoffs) and officials administration.

dirty streets, potholes and fallen branches

deterioration of urban maintenance services has been evident in every corner of the city. budget cuts started at the stage of Gallardón it exploded directly Botella, who has faced criticism and public complaints by the dirt on the streets of Madrid, the poor condition of the pavement with potholes on roads busy and neglect of the parks. Nevertheless, in the final stretch of the mandate the City has begun to invest in the maintenance of the city, using the surplus achieved in municipal accounts . On the other hand, currently the mayor is facing the nth problem, derived in part from the cuts included in the new comprehensive contract cleaning and care of green areas: in the last three months have fallen twenty branches of trees that caused two deaths and half a dozen wounded.


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